.... Between At the last minute I finally have the time to thank me
you for the kind comments
on I am always very happy ..!!!!
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas
and now between the years something
time and peace to relax.
A white Christmas
we had probably all :-))
When I had an early Christmas Eve morning at 6 clock to the service, I'm struck by lightning :-)))))
much snow we had in recent years, not more.
It looks in the garden of fantastically beautiful, but the car I had left as a precaution in the garage :-))
looks really happy with it Schneehut not from :-))
received in time for Christmas Eve, I love a Userin
a packet of self-formed bird food ..
it was not just me, my pleasure :-))
a great joy to me also made my children
with a recipe book to design yourself ..
and the text can be any mother's heart leap for joy
has also given me this beautiful Dekobesteck my family a very great pleasure ..
my taste they know better than I thought :-)
I've got it then immediately with this great nostalgic
match box that I got as a gift from a very dear Userin
decorated ..
and I now up to the coming holidays have free,
I used the time to tinker
these lanterns ...
I'm doing some for me, but I will also give some of the new year ..
I think they are very nice as a small gift for friends
Sunday. Now my post yet again become longer than planned :-)))
and I wish you ALL
with a small light
a happy
a happy new year ..
to which we will all look back you!