Home, sweet home ...
A lovingly folded origami birds greets me, along with a greeting card in my new little kingdom: "Welcome Home" is on it.
From my balcony (!) In the 10th Stock looks out over an impressive skyline, for my first Klogang I needed to try out a full 10 minutes to the optimum seat position for the integrated bidet function, and 20m ² Living space romp for the whole 6 remote controls Hichtechlandschaft in my closet.
feels like home here, the not yet. More like vacation. Or like a fairy tale. Very surreal, at least. Have done so
ego. After I fell in Frankfurt after a small panic attack (and too much time) is still covered with the necessary reading material (2 Langenscheidt, 2 Cultural Advisor) we went on the long-awaited flight to the land of the rising sun. After successfully
provides bus ticket purchased my first hurdle of friendly Japanese taxi driver dar. pride I press him, the printed directions in Japanese hands. "Doozo." Then the unexpected. He he begins to talk. Show me a location on the map (which I can not read, of course, because in the last 3 weeks have even my rudimentary knowledge of katakana evaporates) asks me something and waiting for my answer. When I saw him only slightly perplexed stare at the torrent of words pours out number 2 on me. Okay, I urgently need a Japanese course. After another moment of shock I catch myself and say confidently the magic word "Hai!" and nod eagerly. "Hai hai!" The taxi driver is happy. He starts to move.
10 minutes and 1,000 yen after it turns off my case before the said home. But not without again to bow respectfully and even I get a shy "Arrigato Gozaimasu." muttered. So far so good.
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