Unrestricted Muslim immigration to Europe 2
concealed EU agreements with 10 Asian and North African Staaten.Überarbeiteter excerpt from the Declaration of Barcelona 1995:
The Euro-Mediterranean Agreement between the EU, Morocco, Algeria, Tunis,
Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Israel:
Comprehensive political partnership to include:
establishing a free trade area by 2010 and the beginning of the economic merger.
lot more EU money for the partners and
Cultural Partnership. respect for Islam is guaranteed . (Barcelona Declaration)
The EU has the population 9 Muslim countries to free movement within the EU, the full integration of partners in the enlarged European single market and the ability to achieve free movement of goods, services, money and people into the EU - in exchange for tangible political and economic change - I promise .
We pray and we Europeans in general German in particular, that the current conflict in North Africa and Egypt can be resolved quickly if we spend billions for it. Otherwise, Europe will in general and Germany in particular have to establish a mass of economic refugees.
Charter of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), adopted by the Founding Conference (Fez, 1402H/1982) and amended by the General Conference at its Special Session (Rabat, 1407H/1986), Fourth Session (Rabat, 1412H/1991), Fifth Session (Damascus, 1415H/1994), Sixth Session (Riyadh (1418H/1997), and Ninth Session (ISESCO Permanent Headquarters, Rabat, 1427H/2006).
The Governments of the Member States,
Believing that Islam, a religion of peace and tolerance, represents a way of life and a spiritual, human, moral, cultural and civilizational force which made, and is still making, constructive contribution towards the shaping of the Islamic World and the development of human civilization;Oh yes, we believe. We experience every day on our streets and in our cities.
goals and interests of the EU in the Black Sea region
Addition: http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/pdf/com07_160_de. pdf
The Global Approach to Migration one year on: Towards a comprehensive
European migration policy
This Communication has two objectives: First, it is the answer to the request of the European Council before the end of 2006 to report on progress in implementing the first phase of the overall approach and the priority actions focusing on Africa and the Mediterranean report.
REGIONS applying the Global Approach to Migration to the eastern and southeastern
neighboring regions of the European Union
learn Equal North-South partnershipHere, the entire Lord of the tripe Schoefthaler.
From cultural diversity
Traugott Schöfthaler talks about his many years as director of the Anna Lindh Foundation and his experience on the relationship between the Islamic world and the West, the much influenced too much by mutual distrust and block thinking was
Three years ago I was the then 25: invoke (now 37) Member States of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) for the founding director of a new common institution.
My task was to build a Euro-Mediterranean Foundation. The main goal should be in accordance with the recommendations of a former President "To learn cultural diversity of the European Commission Romano Prodi appointed council of wise men.
Even the decision for the seat of the Foundation in the South was a signal for change in relations between North and South. Another signal was carried out on Egypt's proposal for the appointment of the Foundation on 10 September 2003 murdered Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh.
plea for cultural diversity
your long-standing commitment to equal North-South partnership and multilateral cooperation as a means of overcoming the traditional donor-recipient relationships is the theme for the Foundation. It was about the challenge to experiment with new forms of cultural dialogue to convey to all stakeholders important learning experiences.
My first lesson was the perception of the vast gulf between an international consensus that cultural diversity is good, so is even vital for humanity and the reality - both in interstate, as well as in interpersonal relations.
Read the article for detailed information: € Mediter nia cultural melting pot: The 1001 actions of the Anna Lindh Foundation
or here, also very interesting and enlightening, so you know what it is about the EU: what about the dialogue between cultures went wrong
And here the English version: What Went
Wrong with the Dialogue Between Cultures
Towards a comprehensive European migration policy 2006, worked with Africa, a work program. Last July, met at a ministerial conference on migration and development in Rabat together representatives from some 60 countries, run by the West and Central African migration routes. Libya held in November, a another ministerial meeting should be formulated for the first time a joint approach to migration between the EU and the entire African continent.
Migration: overall approach to the eastern and southeastern regions neighboring the EU partner countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Eastern Europe and Southern Caucasus
dialogue on migration initiated with the countries which have agreed with the EU Action Plan (Armenia , Azerbaijan, Georgia) and to strengthen it with the countries where it is already implemented (Moldova and Ukraine). Exploratory talks with Belarus record;
in the various forums, particularly in the Budapest and the Söderköping process experience to use. The Commission also proposes to explore the possibility of building a structure of cooperation by the Member States and relevant agencies of the EU which do not belong to the EU Black Sea littoral countries and regional organizations, especially the SECI, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Region (BSEC) and the Black Sea Forum brings together;
Yes, and this still : Strategy for the development of Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage: priorities from Mediterranean countries (2007-2013)
Now you know We live in the time of the largest migrations in human history. Nothing is as it is. There is no stone is left unturned. But still nothing is as it seems.
And the German president speaks of "eternal" and with full force to the removal by Germans and Germany.
What probably in ten or twenty years ago a German with Turkish or Lebanese or Palestinian origin even says in a Memorial Day, as the 27 January.