Saturday, January 29, 2011

Acrylic Enamel Primer

Unrestricted Muslim immigration to Europe. Egypt, Tunisia .....

Unrestricted Muslim immigration to Europe 2

concealed EU agreements with 10 Asian and North African Staaten.Überarbeiteter excerpt from the Declaration of Barcelona 1995:

The Euro-Mediterranean Agreement between the EU, Morocco, Algeria, Tunis,
Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Israel:

Comprehensive political partnership to include:

establishing a free trade area by 2010 and the beginning of the economic merger.
lot more EU money for the partners and
Cultural Partnership. respect for Islam is guaranteed . (Barcelona Declaration)
The EU has the population 9 Muslim countries to free movement within the EU, the full integration of partners in the enlarged European single market and the ability to achieve free movement of goods, services, money and people into the EU - in exchange for tangible political and economic change - I promise .

We pray and we Europeans in general German in particular, that the current conflict in North Africa and Egypt can be resolved quickly if we spend billions for it. Otherwise, Europe will in general and Germany in particular have to establish a mass of economic refugees.

Charter of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), adopted by the Founding Conference (Fez, 1402H/1982) and amended by the General Conference at its Special Session (Rabat, 1407H/1986), Fourth Session (Rabat, 1412H/1991), Fifth Session (Damascus, 1415H/1994), Sixth Session (Riyadh (1418H/1997), and Ninth Session (ISESCO Permanent Headquarters, Rabat, 1427H/2006).
The Governments of the Member States,

Believing that Islam, a religion of peace and tolerance, represents a way of life and a spiritual, human, moral, cultural and civilizational force which made, and is still making, constructive contribution towards the shaping of the Islamic World and the development of human civilization;

Oh yes, we believe. We experience every day on our streets and in our cities.

goals and interests of the EU in the Black Sea region
Addition: pdf

The Global Approach to Migration one year on: Towards a comprehensive
European migration policy
This Communication has two objectives: First, it is the answer to the request of the European Council before the end of 2006 to report on progress in implementing the first phase of the overall approach and the priority actions focusing on Africa and the Mediterranean report.

applying the Global Approach to Migration to the eastern and southeastern
neighboring regions of the European Union

learn Equal North-South partnership
From cultural diversity

Traugott Schöfthaler talks about his many years as director of the Anna Lindh Foundation and his experience on the relationship between the Islamic world and the West, the much influenced too much by mutual distrust and block thinking was

Three years ago I was the then 25: invoke (now 37) Member States of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) for the founding director of a new common institution.

My task was to build a Euro-Mediterranean Foundation. The main goal should be in accordance with the recommendations of a former President "To learn cultural diversity of the European Commission Romano Prodi appointed council of wise men.

Even the decision for the seat of the Foundation in the South was a signal for change in relations between North and South. Another signal was carried out on Egypt's proposal for the appointment of the Foundation on 10 September 2003 murdered Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh.

plea for cultural diversity

your long-standing commitment to equal North-South partnership and multilateral cooperation as a means of overcoming the traditional donor-recipient relationships is the theme for the Foundation. It was about the challenge to experiment with new forms of cultural dialogue to convey to all stakeholders important learning experiences.

My first lesson was the perception of the vast gulf between an international consensus that cultural diversity is good, so is even vital for humanity and the reality - both in interstate, as well as in interpersonal relations.

Here, the entire Lord of the tripe Schoefthaler.

Read the article for detailed information: € Mediter nia cultural melting pot: The 1001 actions of the Anna Lindh Foundation

or here, also very interesting and enlightening, so you know what it is about the EU: what about the dialogue between cultures went wrong

And here the English version: What Went
Wrong with the Dialogue Between Cultures

Towards a comprehensive European migration policy 2006, worked with Africa, a work program. Last July, met at a ministerial conference on migration and development in Rabat together representatives from some 60 countries, run by the West and Central African migration routes. Libya held in November, a another ministerial meeting should be formulated for the first time a joint approach to migration between the EU and the entire African continent.

Migration: overall approach to the eastern and southeastern regions neighboring the EU partner countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Eastern Europe and Southern Caucasus
dialogue on migration initiated with the countries which have agreed with the EU Action Plan (Armenia , Azerbaijan, Georgia) and to strengthen it with the countries where it is already implemented (Moldova and Ukraine). Exploratory talks with Belarus record;
in the various forums, particularly in the Budapest and the Söderköping process experience to use. The Commission also proposes to explore the possibility of building a structure of cooperation by the Member States and relevant agencies of the EU which do not belong to the EU Black Sea littoral countries and regional organizations, especially the SECI, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Region (BSEC) and the Black Sea Forum brings together;

Yes, and this still : Strategy for the development of Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage: priorities from Mediterranean countries (2007-2013)

Now you know We live in the time of the largest migrations in human history. Nothing is as it is. There is no stone is left unturned. But still nothing is as it seems.

And the German president speaks of "eternal" and with full force to the removal by Germans and Germany.

What probably in ten or twenty years ago a German with Turkish or Lebanese or Palestinian origin even says in a Memorial Day, as the 27 January.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Free Bang Bros Full Vid

fire red-one ensemble

fireplace ensemble of two Red



acrylic and oil on cardboard
size per 43x52, 5cm

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pink Mucus Implantation?

There's No Place Like Home ...

and because so much truth in this saying is, I have one of my
met :-))),
because life has taught me ...
are realizing ..
not to push on the back burner, but to tackle ..
but before I show you what a dream I've met me,
I would like to
great for this

thanks ..
actually I wanted to accept any more awards, but she had such kind words for my blog that I I'm totally happy ....
and therefore I have made him happy, but unfortunately had no time to pass it .. and why I did not have time
I want to show you ..

28 years I've changed my old bedroom fully :-))
like the style of the furniture to me still, but the leached Color
not so much ...

and therefore I have not only the walls but also the
painted furniture
because I do not like just now white flowers and house walls :-)))
but also the white magic of living ..
behind the dresser and the bed I have landed the walls in color
the old wooden buttons I replaced by nostalgic porcelain knobs and I grind my
bright pleasure :-))

the first and first stroke have indeed cost me some effort,
because to this extent I have never whitewashed :-))
but I have not looked back ...
because I did not want the furniture look like new, I have sharpened after the final coat
a little

and on the bookshelf now has a bit of decoration found its place ..
it still missing a few bulbs, flowers and maybe a runner but
all so gradually :-))))
even if it might not look professional,
Sun I am well my family really happy with our white residential magic :-))
and because it is raining again today and I had my day off, I will
this old window

embellish a little and let's see what you have done so in the last week :-))
you all have a nice

Monday, January 24, 2011

Germans In Girdles And Stockings

spiral nebula

spiral nebula

acrylic on cardboard
size in framing

73x52, 5cm

Sunday, January 23, 2011

39w2d Pregnant Braxton Hicks Constantly



acrylic on paper size in framing

73x52, 5cm

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Basketball Open Gym Nj

Dresden, 02.19.2011, memories of the bombing 66 years ago - Communists / Stalinists / Maoists to mobilize against "the reactionary culture of commemoration".

As expected, the population of Dresden on 66 anniversary of the bombing of Dresden?
Must the police remove the dirt again, the red communist hordes have left and set on fire? Dresden's citizens must again expect their cars to be knocked down by the red hordes of Communists and set on fire? That is damaged and destroyed property of others?
documentation in the text. Violence against police officers in Dresden: Total failure of the German media on 13 February 2010 February

And here the constant recommendations of the German Red Guards of the Communists / Stalinists / Maoists, how to deal with people is not their are opinion:

anti-German slogans:

Bomber Harris wildfire - Germany back farmland "
Bomber Harris and the flood - that all Germans do well
You lost the war, you have lost the war, you have! ,
you have lost the war!
Never, never, never again Germany!
war, war, war against Germany!
from the Saar to the Neisse, bombs away on it and the shit!
Free Education / love. .., free life, there can only be without Germany! Germany
deleted from the card, Poland needs to extend to France!
What breaks every Nazi oath? Stalin Organ Tour of Germany!
Once Auschwitz is much the longest-lived Israel
What stops every German soldier? Ivan and his Sovietpanzer!
sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, Bomber Harris, Fire!
Grandma, Grandpa, and Hans-Peter - not victims, perpetrators! What makes the steam
Leninists - value criticism instead of class struggle!
Palitücher from the block! Counter-state, capital, and the SDAJ
What breaks the neck of the Nazis? Anti-German critique of the state!
No God! No state! No proletariat!

"anti-fascist" slogans that are not "anti", but fascist and inhuman:

Alerta, Alerta - Antifascista!
We programmers are here today ' Blockers!
rebellion, resistance - there is no quiet hinterland!
shit on the location Germany, Nazis throw in the splices!
remain refugees, Nazis sell!
Brecht from the Nazi rally, or we hau'n you the City flat
Since this simma! It's viva - Au-to-nominal-a! We love life, love and joy! But when the Nazis aufmarschier'n, cut ma sometimes wasted!
The fox is cunning and will to be stupid - when is it the other Nazi
The struggle for liberation is not national, fascists go home and read the "capital"
German police officers protect the fascists!
Germany is shit - you are the evidence
Döner, Falaffel - Nazis on the waffle!
No matter where or when: Nazi cars to ignite!

-and-ninety Hoyerswerda, then as now there are murderers
there - run on Nazi propaganda
Fascists, you should better - no right! We will beat you nazi scum!
For freedom, for life - Nazis on the rails
place for freedom, for life - from the Nazis
road sweep for the freedom and life - Faust Maintain contact with Nazis!
SS, SA, Hezbollah
give the Nazis the road back - stone by stone / piece by piece
Give us the Nazis, we give back - bit by bit
against each Antizionismus/Antisemitismus- Down with Germany and for communism!
against any anti-Semitism / Anti-Zionism - Down with the State and for anarchism!
against Nazis, against war, black block, I love you!
against Nazis and accomplices - make as workers militias!
Golden Shower of White Power!
hammer and sickle - the German Michel!
skin the Nazis on the bag to prevent it from increasing the pack
skin until it burst the skinheads
hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C - for the whole NPD / NVP
Hey your cops, cops Hey you! Do you remember? Do you remember? Back in Rostock, then in Rostock ... Au Au Au ..! Here the national resistance
You have lost the war!
you have more hair than brains, you have more hair than brains, you have, you have more hair than brains!
you do not look Aryan!
behind fascism is the capital, the struggle for liberation is anti national.
behind fascism is the capital, the struggle for liberation is International.
is now concluded with Tralala - Bock on boxing Antifa!
Jürgen Rieger from the dream - Soon you're lying in the trunk!
[jürgen's already dead, so use other names]
fight fascism, war, war! High fists until victory!
fight the roots of fascism - Against the State and capitalism.
No forgiveness - not forgetting, The skin on the food fascists
No forgiveness - not forgetting, Nazis have names and addresses
No forgiveness - not forgetting, Nazis in the asphalt press
Keep your mind - no forgiveness, Nazis on the nose give
No God, No State, No Fatherland - Black Red Gold is burnt!
competition spasm, located delusion - that begins in Nazi thinking! pop
Let it, let it rip - Austria make kindling!
Let it rip, let it pop - Germany in the back!
"Let's go, Antifa!" (After two quarters clap-notes and 3 eighth notes)
Dear solidarity - a solidarity
militancy and violence - German counter the People's Community!
Nazis on the moon because no one lives there!
please be stupid not Nazis - Follow your guide takes you to
Nazi's in every town - make as gangs, they stomp all over!
Nazi, Nazi Now it's bitter - autonomous Jedi.
Nazis are not autonomous - are leaders and nation!
Nazis, Nazis now is nasty - autonomous fighting hippies.

Nazis strapped to the parachute - it's like Möllemann
Nazis goes into the car, let alone the Haider
Nazis bugger off you, no one misses you!
Nazi hunt is not hard - with hammer, sickle and gun!
Nobody reads your shit - is it just gone again!
Never, never, never again Germany!
No - No - No Pasaran!
Never again war, never again fascism, fire and flame of nationalism! NPD
what is that, every second a spy
Only those who like to talk about total failure of gassing
Whether green or brown, hau'n Nazis in the face! Whether
judo, boxing, taekwondo - Beat the Nazis, either way! Whether
East if West - down with the Nazipest! Whether South
whether North - bash Nazis, our sport! Whether South
whether North - Nazis kill is not murder!
Without cops you do not ride home without you ride bulls non home!
Without the protection of the Constitution if you were only three!
Without V-man you were only four in the high
Oldenburg North - united against Nazi hordes!
Grandma, Grandpa, and Hans-Peter - not victims, perpetrators!
Revenge, reaction, antifascist action!
(revenge, reaction, Anti-Fascist Action)
Rieger - dead! Rieger - dead! Rieger Rieger Rieger - dead dead dead!
not Move from you - learn to read and write!
shoot the Nazis in the testicles - German blood on German soil
the Nazis shoot at the moon, so that space travel is worth again!
Stalingrad, Normandy - winning the Nazis were never
Stalingrad was wonderful Naziopa remained the same since!
respect is hard-Nazis present (city name) to Stalingrad!
Stalingrad Stalingrad, Every minute, a German soldier
State and Nazis hand in hand - organized the resistance!
[city name] - We are there autonomous Antifa!
revenge attacks - Nazi pack we get up!
UH-AH-Antifa, UH-AH-Antifa
people, state and nation always lead to the pogrom of German youth
What power? Apple juice, apple juice! (From the German front apples)
Germany who loves shit has to be - we are all short and small hau'n
who loves to leave Germany, Germany!
Who will stop the Nazis - WE! Who can stop the Nazis - WE! Who can stop the Nazis - WE WE WE!
Whyskey, Cola, United States - the mood to drink Antifa!
resistance is wonderful - Autonome Antifa.
We are the super militant AAE from the water knew. We wash ourselves before. Anarchy! (Included in Eckernförde, if necessary, replace name by another group)
We are here out of pure hatred against your people's community
zigzag, Nazi crap - full on the mouth
Zone A, Zone A - Antifa - Here we are!
borders everywhere - barbed wire to scrap!
criticize operate, dismantle, Nazi commemoration!
citizens will pick you up stones, since not Spaarsam Solidarity with [city name] glasses!
citizens of staring, let it be one-Throw the Nazis / the bull wheels!

massacre, expulsion, deportation-This is a German tradition!
What are you? An anti-Semite! And what do we sing? Your last Song!
All the dead remember? , Drinking Bratwurstfreszen Now!
Zwichen helmet and nose fits a whole cobblestone
Whether evening or the break of day - haun fascists in the kisser! C3% BCche

Has the German State of the adopted him only rightful monopoly?

has left the German State or its government and all parties, the Communists / Stalinists / Maoists to free interpretation of this monopoly?

to Dresden 2011, we read the blog of the left PERIOD 19.02.2011 to the following: MI We must Speeches. About Nazis.

The "fascist" that sounds like this:

19:02: Dresden - No Pasaran.!
written by Antifascist Left Berlin
The race is on: the covenants "Nazi-free - is the cross!" and "No Pasaran" its new campaign, "Dresden 2011 - to block Nazi march is history!" started. For 19th and for the February 2011, the neo-Nazis are planning their largest deployment in Europe event in Dresden to continue. The aim of the two alliances It is through blockades to prevent this and do away with the so-called victims of the reactionary myth and Dresdner memorials.

It's always amazing how the so-called quality media, all the parties and those who live by them, the unions, the entire integration industry to ally with the radical Communists / Stalinists / Maoists if they are "fighting the Nazis," of which there first, only a negligible number compared to the total population there, and secondly, it would be easy for a law to prevent that party .

The NPD has about 9,000 members according to Wikipedia, of which 27% are women.

The German government financed the NPD with about 1.2 million euros!

And Mrs Merkel calls for struggle against "Right on! How does that work?

A third of the NPD members are in the opinion of experts informers of the secret!, 1518,502267,00. Html23.03.201023.03.2010

Are these the Nazis to the millions of German, the Communists made sharp protest ? Including this, an article by Professor Olaf Henkel, already in 2007:

" The enemy image of the left Pied
For example, there are the crime statistics reveal, from a political
correctness more obscure than Thus
. the crimes of the Nazis with 12 238 in the crime statistics
2006 appears, although it is in 8783 cases of so-called
propaganda crimes involved serious offenses, such as personal injury,
amount to just 726 -. a number that
is far below that of the left-wing extremist violence.
Nonetheless, the published opinion the whole thing
presented as wild now dominated SA hordes
our streets. Other hand, dip the extreme violence of the
left in the media to spot. Think of the violence
on the edge of the G8 conference in Heiligendamm. As has
entire German media landscape only belittles
speak of "autonomous" or "chaotic" or the "black block"
. In Berlin, burned in 2007 alone, exactly 113 luxury sedans
, where the police do not have a single
offenders arrested, although clearly by the professors could
symbols and letters claiming is that this is
dealing with left-wing extremist crimes. But even this does
the press does not occur. In Germany, only the threat of
right is exercised, the threat is not aware of left
perceived. Who is talking about breaking a taboo. I take
me anyway the liberty to address this.
What upsets me especially the so-called "war
right" is. If this struggle as a means to right-wing radicals,
would find that my full support. But with a
"fighting the right" to set up not only against
right wing but also against the bourgeoisie in Germany.
And that this "fight" in many cases even subsidized by the taxpayer
is proposed from the barrel to the floor. " 3D & tabid = 73 & mid = 397

The design of the Communists / Stalinists / Maoists is always the same. amazing is that, having miserably failed wherever they were and are, to millions of times the genocide, has yet to find stupid, which give their lying slogans of hearing that can span without question still before the cart of their depraved, inhuman ideology.

Read this
Can you see the parallels?

The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was launched by Mao in life in order to consolidate his power and his presumed opponent on the pretext that they had taken the "capitalist road" and are in fact not communists but revisionists to drive them out of strategically important positions. Accordingly, reactionaries had secretly ensconced in the party and in the educational and cultural institutions to impose a capitalist system. (China )

or this:

The motive for the movement of the Red Guards were initially primarily in the "destruction of the four relics" (the so-called old thoughts , old culture, old customs and old habits expanded) by their actions quickly. Because of the igniter by Lin Biao and Jiang Qing, the Red Guards were all over the country to the public to stick to a wall newspaper, flyers distribute and make speeches. The military helped with transport, accommodation and meals, use of the train was free for the Red Guards, to the big events, there were special tours and the state gave the Red Guards grants for living expenses. The Reds of the Garden as a class enemy declared people were fighting, beaten ridiculed, and confiscated their property. Items that the Red Guards regarded as feudal, capitalist or revisionist, were destroyed. By the end of September 1966 in Beijing were more than 30,000 households searched by the Red Guards and of books, pictures, non-proletarian clothing, dishes of false or lipstick "Cleansed". # Die_Zeit_der_Roten_Garden

Oh yes, it should be noted that the Communists of the former GDR wall designated as "anti-fascist protection wall". The was said in plain language, the "anti-fascists" were the Communists of East Germany. The West Germans, the "fascists." All right?

were How long can the center of German society still run by the radical Communists / Stalinists / Maoists deceiving ?
unite Democrats in fact NOT Communists / Stalinists / Maoists and those who fraternize with them, Democrats are NOT!

Complete Paper Towel Dispenser Diagram

ensemble in red and black

ensemble in red and black

acrylic and oil on cardboard
size per 43x52, 5cm

Laser Printer Running Costs Comparison



acrylic on cardboard
size in framing

73x52, 5cm

How To Start A 50cc Dirt Bike

spiral nebula

spiral nebula

acrylic on paper size in framing

73x52, 5cm

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Manfrotto 190xdb Manuale

Garden Calendar 2011

First I would like for the many nice comments on my last post
thank ...
with sooooooooooooooooo
many nice words
I do not have expected
and me
happy ...
unfortunately I have not yet managed to personally thank each of you, because I still put in renovations ...
before it starts with the gardening
I am still furious with white paint from the house :-))
have to tell me the many beautiful
blog inspired :-))
But in time for the start of
I have a new
created with personal photos
garden ...
and I want you today show ..
and you can only recommend something beautiful with your personal pictures to make time ..
since I made this calendar for the third time, I did not just garden photos, but also small logopicture
used ..
maybe I could give you a small suggestion .. as it was delivered quickly, it would still be worthwhile for New Year's
and was well received as a gift :-))
nice weekend greetings and love

Monday, January 17, 2011

Information On Saturn Planet In Hindi

............ The biggest in the country has been and remains the informer!

Daniel Gollasch
daniel.gollasch @

Restaurant Meineke X
Meineke Strasse 10
10719 Berlin-Wilmersdorf

Open Letter:
Rent your restaurant to the far-right party "Freedom"
Dear Claudia Al-Habash,
with concern and amazement, I must note that the
Kreisverband Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf the right-wing populist party "Freedom" in gathered your premises.
I like to take this opportunity to notify you about the character of this group in
knowledge. The party "Freedom" has an anti-Islamic racism,
by is "Islam" vilified as the sole cause of crime, inadequate integration successes and problem areas. With a smear campaign against Muslims and Muslims who are abused as scapegoats for societal failures to be the party will move into the House of Representatives. They work Europe together with racist parties.
This racist and anti-Muslim smear campaign has certainly been a share of it, that committed in the past six months, a series of arson attacks on mosques in Berlin . Last in the night 8 January at the mosque of the Ahmadiyya community in Berlin-Wilmersdorf.
please Against this background, I would kindly end your business relationship with the party " Freedom" and provide them with no facilities to prepare for further agitation available. Sincerely

Do you comment on that?

were not the actions that we made the Nazi era by the then Brown is in power and have everyone hates deeply?

And then brags Daniel Gollasch even with the lousy behavior on a blog of the Greens: Won


! Open letter to the restaurant "Meineke X" for rental on "Freedom" has an impact

Filed under: Alliance 90/The Greens Berlin, Topic: Anti-discrimination , topic: Demokratrie , theme: Integration , subject: Right . To date, 50 comments .
After my open letter to the manager of the restaurant "Meineke X" has now assured me that that is a party "Freedom" in the future to provide no more rooms available. I very much welcome this decision.
Here the open letter, which I am on 12 January had contacted the restaurant manager: The letter is available here: Write MeinekeX

Who wants to have to do with an informer to really anything else? At the very most unprincipled that even before these and similar acts do not shy away.
determine in the future guys like Daniel Gollasch of the pumpkin party (outside green inside with brown nuclei) or communist hardliners or Dirk Stegemann with his friends from the Antifa, who, when, where can stay in which hotel.

stimulates When is resistance to this bottomless arrogance, arrogance and contempt for human beings?
When are these people finally on trial for defamation?

Dirk Stegemann of the alliance "to stop right-wing populism" is also an informer of the worst kind:

Before Mielke and Co. Josef Goebbels led with his friends like.
By Fax: 08-506 205 70 / 030 260 539 30 05
Open Letter:
Hotel Berlin (Lützowplatz) makes itself an accomplice of Rassist_innen and Rechtspopulist_innen
"Stop right-wing populism"
Mr Anders Nissen,
Dear Cornelia Kausch,
The alliance with the open letter addressed to you. We criticize
that you use your hotel in Berlin on 2 have offered in October 2010 the racists and right-wing populist Geert Wilders
a platform on which he could again make the demagogic's Muslims against mood. No matter how it is twisted and turned, it is racism when people - in this case Muslims - collective properties are attributed to the fact are as unalterable. Since it does not help when dull Prejudices and resentments as a "fear that we must take seriously," to be camouflaged.
And it does not matter that this racism is brought under the guise of liberalism and defend women's rights, homosexuals, or even of the Enlightenment against Islam in position.
European Enlightenment idea of secularism, tolerance and the rights of the individual seem
actually in Europe at risk. But the threat to the heritage of the Enlightenment is not so much from the Muslim women and Muslims reinterpret, rather than from those Ideolog_innen, political or social issues in religious or ethnic. The decisive difference between education and racism in it, charged that in the former discriminatory practices and crime and do not like racism is a whole group of people. The risk to the Enlightenment is but also by those who give out of pure economic interest Rechtspopulist_innen Rassist_innen and a stage.
We note with concern that increasingly in recent weeks has created a social climate in which the general suspicion against immigrants in general and is fueled's Muslims in particular. They have contributed to this climate knowingly. You have in your hotel with the appearance of the racist Geert Wilders created a climate that apparently people like Uwe Meenen, is chairman of the NPD and the Berlin Holocaust deniers Gert Walters moved unmolested to this lucrative event for sure. They have done so to Kompliz_innen of Rassist_innen and Rechtspopulist_innen.
In this context, it simply incredible, if you're in your reply to the criticism of the by you made it possible presence of Geert Wilders in Berlin say on your site in the network Facebook: "[share] Berlin's unique talent
It's surprising that of all those who knowingly operate racist hatred against other people and it is carrying, is often striking to the free expression
appointed. Those who equate Islam with fascism and the Koran to Hitler's "Mein Kampf", operates historical revisionism and played down the fascist crimes.
And who suggested indirectly that practice all Muslims, honor killings and genital mutilation, and the rest criminals, "non-vegetable distributor" and "headscarf girls manufacturing", "unintegratable" or "unwilling to integrate" people had while praying Christians and Jews - which it does not work to naming problems or a free expression of opinion, but baiting. We share the opinion of the Federal Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger the presence of the Dutch right-wing populist Geert Wilders criticized in Berlin:
"right-wing populist attacks on parts of our population split the other hand our society."
do just that even those who do like Rene Stadtkewitz with his party "Freedom", the self-styled citizens' movement "Pax Europa" and the operator of racist Internet portal "politically incorrect" Stefan Herre in racist wake of Geert Wilders racism and hatred presentable or do this favor. And it borders on mockery, if you suggest in her defense, a closed, non-public, of state protection and Security forces sealed off event had something to do with "communication with each other and learning from each other".
We will contact according to the Berlin diplomatic missions located in other
States and they point to your business practice. In particular, countries with Muslim populations, it would hardly be reasonable to recommend to continue their nationals as a guest in a hotel that also specifically and deliberately Rassist_innen provides a platform for incitement and discrimination. Likewise we will address the Members of the Bundestag and the latter, it should be true that the contractor Hotel Berlin is the German Bundestag, to persuade their constituencies from visiting groups, etc. to accommodate no more with you.
"stop right-wing populism" With regards anti-racist alliance
, different people and ideas together - even if we think otherwise. Our values: honesty in dealing with each other for each other, respect, communication with each other and learning from each other. We do not censor, say 'yes' to freedom of expression ..., a public opinion and public debate. Your responses will allow us to but surely continue to act sophisticated. "
c / o Dirk Stegemann (Reader)
Tel: Stop right-wing populism "0177 176 86 33

spokesman for the Alliance: Dirk Stegemann
Phone: 0177 / 176 86 33
Hotel Berlin, Berlin
Lützowplatz 17
10785 Berlin, Germany
Attn Cornelia Kausch (Managing Director, Berlin)
CC: Anders Nissen (Pandox AB, Sweden based, owner)
Berlin, 12 10. 2010

This is the same ploy that has been applied against unpopular Stasi Mielke, the measures of the decomposition.

Proven applicable forms of decomposition against "hostile negative forces" are:
  1. - systematic discrediting of public reputation, the reputation and prestige on the basis of combinations of real, verifiable and discrediting Santander and false, credible, non-rebuttable, and thus also discrediting Santander detail - the use of anonymous or pseudonymous letters, telegrams, telephone calls, etc., compromising photos, eg, held or fake encounters;
    -systematic organization of professional and social failures to undermine the confidence of individuals, - purposeful undermining of beliefs in relation to certain ideals, role models, etc., and the creation of doubt as to the personal perspective;
    - production of mistrust and mutual suspicion within groups, groups and organizations - creating and exploiting and reinforcing rivalries within groups, groups and organizations through targeted use of personal weaknesses of individual members;
    - Employment of groups, groups and organizations with their internal problems with the aim of restricting their hostile-negative . acts "
    Source: Regulation 1 / 76" of the Ministry of State Security, Section 2.6.

When are informers, criminalize defamation of the innocent citizens, and verbally kill, finally brought to justice?