Daniel Gollaschdaniel.gollasch @ gmx.euDaniel Gollasch daniel.gollasch @ gmx.eu
Restaurant Meineke XMeineke Strasse 1010719 Berlin-Wilmersdorf
Open Letter:Rent your restaurant to the far-right party "Freedom"Dear Claudia Al-Habash,with concern and amazement, I must note that theKreisverband Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf the right-wing populist party "Freedom" in gathered your premises.I like to take this opportunity to notify you about the character of this group inknowledge. The party "Freedom" has an anti-Islamic racism,by is "Islam" vilified as the sole cause of crime, inadequate integration successes and problem areas. With a smear campaign against Muslims and Muslims who are abused as scapegoats for societal failures to be the party will move into the House of Representatives. They work Europe together with racist parties.This racist and anti-Muslim smear campaign has certainly been a share of it, that committed in the past six months, a series of arson attacks on mosques in Berlin . Last in the night 8 January at the mosque of the Ahmadiyya community in Berlin-Wilmersdorf.please Against this background, I would kindly end your business relationship with the party " Freedom" and provide them with no facilities to prepare for further agitation available.http://www.danielgollasch.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Schreiben-MeinekeX.pdf Sincerely
Do you comment on that?
were not the actions that we made the Nazi era by the then Brown is in power and have everyone hates deeply?
And then brags Daniel Gollasch even with the lousy behavior on a blog of the Greens: Won
12Jan! Open letter to the restaurant "Meineke X" for rental on "Freedom" has an impact
Filed under: Alliance 90/The Greens Berlin, Topic: Anti-discrimination , topic: Demokratrie , theme: Integration , subject: Right . To date, 50 comments .
After my open letter to the manager of the restaurant "Meineke X" has now assured me that that is a party "Freedom" in the future to provide no more rooms available. I very much welcome this decision.
Here the open letter, which I am on 12 January had contacted the restaurant manager: The letter is available here: Write MeinekeX
Who wants to have to do with an informer to really anything else? At the very most unprincipled that even before these and similar acts do not shy away.
determine in the future guys like Daniel Gollasch of the pumpkin party (outside green inside with brown nuclei) or communist hardliners or Dirk Stegemann with his friends from the Antifa, who, when, where can stay in which hotel.
stimulates When is resistance to this bottomless arrogance, arrogance and contempt for human beings?
When are these people finally on trial for defamation?
Dirk Stegemann of the alliance "to stop right-wing populism" is also an informer of the worst kind:
By Fax: 08-506 205 70 / 030 260 539 30 05Open Letter:Hotel Berlin (Lützowplatz) makes itself an accomplice of Rassist_innen and Rechtspopulist_innen"Stop right-wing populism"Mr Anders Nissen,Dear Cornelia Kausch,The alliance with the open letter addressed to you. We criticizethat you use your hotel in Berlin on 2 have offered in October 2010 the racists and right-wing populist Geert Wildersa platform on which he could again make the demagogic's Muslims against mood. No matter how it is twisted and turned, it is racism when people - in this case Muslims - collective properties are attributed to the fact are as unalterable. Since it does not help when dull Prejudices and resentments as a "fear that we must take seriously," to be camouflaged.And it does not matter that this racism is brought under the guise of liberalism and defend women's rights, homosexuals, or even of the Enlightenment against Islam in position.European Enlightenment idea of secularism, tolerance and the rights of the individual seemactually in Europe at risk. But the threat to the heritage of the Enlightenment is not so much from the Muslim women and Muslims reinterpret, rather than from those Ideolog_innen, political or social issues in religious or ethnic. The decisive difference between education and racism in it, charged that in the former discriminatory practices and crime and do not like racism is a whole group of people. The risk to the Enlightenment is but also by those who give out of pure economic interest Rechtspopulist_innen Rassist_innen and a stage.We note with concern that increasingly in recent weeks has created a social climate in which the general suspicion against immigrants in general and is fueled's Muslims in particular. They have contributed to this climate knowingly. You have in your hotel with the appearance of the racist Geert Wilders created a climate that apparently people like Uwe Meenen, is chairman of the NPD and the Berlin Holocaust deniers Gert Walters moved unmolested to this lucrative event for sure. They have done so to Kompliz_innen of Rassist_innen and Rechtspopulist_innen.In this context, it simply incredible, if you're in your reply to the criticism of the by you made it possible presence of Geert Wilders in Berlin say on your site in the network Facebook: "[share] Berlin's unique talentIt's surprising that of all those who knowingly operate racist hatred against other people and it is carrying, is often striking to the free expressionappointed. Those who equate Islam with fascism and the Koran to Hitler's "Mein Kampf", operates historical revisionism and played down the fascist crimes.And who suggested indirectly that practice all Muslims, honor killings and genital mutilation, and the rest criminals, "non-vegetable distributor" and "headscarf girls manufacturing", "unintegratable" or "unwilling to integrate" people had while praying Christians and Jews - which it does not work to naming problems or a free expression of opinion, but baiting. We share the opinion of the Federal Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger the presence of the Dutch right-wing populist Geert Wilders criticized in Berlin:"right-wing populist attacks on parts of our population split the other hand our society."do just that even those who do like Rene Stadtkewitz with his party "Freedom", the self-styled citizens' movement "Pax Europa" and the operator of racist Internet portal "politically incorrect" Stefan Herre in racist wake of Geert Wilders racism and hatred presentable or do this favor. And it borders on mockery, if you suggest in her defense, a closed, non-public, of state protection and Security forces sealed off event had something to do with "communication with each other and learning from each other".We will contact according to the Berlin diplomatic missions located in otherStates and they point to your business practice. In particular, countries with Muslim populations, it would hardly be reasonable to recommend to continue their nationals as a guest in a hotel that also specifically and deliberately Rassist_innen provides a platform for incitement and discrimination. Likewise we will address the Members of the Bundestag and the latter, it should be true that the contractor Hotel Berlin is the German Bundestag, to persuade their constituencies from visiting groups, etc. to accommodate no more with you."stop right-wing populism" With regards anti-racist alliance, different people and ideas together - even if we think otherwise. Our values: honesty in dealing with each other for each other, respect, communication with each other and learning from each other. We do not censor, say 'yes' to freedom of expression ..., a public opinion and public debate. Your responses will allow us to but surely continue to act sophisticated. "http://rechtspopulismusstoppen.blogsport.de/mail:rechtspopulismusstoppen@gmx.comc / o Dirk Stegemann (Reader)Tel: Stop right-wing populism "0177 176 86 33
alliancespokesman for the Alliance: Dirk StegemannPhone: 0177 / 176 86 33Hotel Berlin, BerlinLützowplatz 1710785 Berlin, GermanyAttn Cornelia Kausch (Managing Director, Berlin)CC: Anders Nissen (Pandox AB, Sweden based, owner)Berlin, 12 10. 2010
This is the same ploy that has been applied against unpopular Stasi Mielke, the measures of the decomposition.
Proven applicable forms of decomposition against "hostile negative forces" are:
- systematic discrediting of public reputation, the reputation and prestige on the basis of combinations of real, verifiable and discrediting Santander and false, credible, non-rebuttable, and thus also discrediting Santander detail - the use of anonymous or pseudonymous letters, telegrams, telephone calls, etc., compromising photos, eg, held or fake encounters;
-systematic organization of professional and social failures to undermine the confidence of individuals, - purposeful undermining of beliefs in relation to certain ideals, role models, etc., and the creation of doubt as to the personal perspective;
- production of mistrust and mutual suspicion within groups, groups and organizations - creating and exploiting and reinforcing rivalries within groups, groups and organizations through targeted use of personal weaknesses of individual members;
- Employment of groups, groups and organizations with their internal problems with the aim of restricting their hostile-negative . acts "
Source: Regulation 1 / 76" of the Ministry of State Security, Section 2.6.
When are informers, criminalize defamation of the innocent citizens, and verbally kill, finally brought to justice?
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