Summary: A little known phenomenon is the "civil society", consisting of paid mercenaries of the globalists in the form of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), institutions, etc. Their main task is to provide the UN to supply the EU ("the heart of EU enlargement"), people like George Soros, etc. desired reactions. Soros himself has an NGO, "The Open Society, founded and paid large sums to the minions of the submissive civil society. Soros NGOs and their work with the EU, in particular the EU Economic and Social Council, together. The responses of civil society are given as the people's will, even though civil society is completely undemocratic. Civil society is also used for preparing the ground for revolution, for example in North Africa and the Middle East. The CIA uses the global civil society in order to foment revolutions and influencing public opinion in the desired direction in target countries. Perhaps the most dangerous (quasi-) NGOs, the U.S. Federal Reserve / National Bank, currently in the process the destruction of the World Economy (hyperinflation) by rampant issue of banknotes is active.
Soros is Rothschild agent, and his Open Society is working to ensure that there is this Illuminatenbande free access to the looting of all resources of a country. If a country resists the globalization and opening, to maintain its natural resources and preserve its own workforce by tariffs and rules and will develop and manage their own immigration occurs, the Civil Society of the police Soros, the EU, UN, CIA in action, and invite such "Closed country" before the courts-globalists, they pay with our tax money and out of pocket. In "bad" cases of self-will, move the UN, the IMF, the World Bank sanctions. Now this is the defiant, self-states, Libya and Iran, happens. NGOs are vigorously lobbying for dramatic changes in the UN mission and structure to achieve world government. Enter at the side of the masses. Most NGOs are also members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). I n Egypt s "Revolution" is the Kmara flag - a special clenched fist appeared . first she was in revolution against Milosevich and by the U.S. State Department and then in the Georgian Revolution in 2003 used . The leading "6 April " Facebook Youth Movement got her first statement by the U.S. State Department - and then by the CIA-supported Belgrade Otpor / now CANVAS to the state the art learn from demonstrations .
now called the Rothschild publication, The Economist, makeup trailer "mentally ill". "In fact, there is something childish to the belief of the devotees of the Constitution that the complex political disputes today by simple faith in a document that in the 18 Century is written, can be resolved. "The CIA supporters, The Foreign Policy, does not believe that the old rules may handle such complex issues as same-sex marriages! Another player in this direction is America's "invisible government", the Council on Foreign Relations: The CFR will "affect the transfer of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States," warned Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR. For the realization of their one-world Regierungsintrige need the CFR and the ruling elite, the sovereignty of the United States undermined. To this end, the civil society is well-suited - and they will play according to the CFR magazine, "Foreign Affairs", a very important role in the future.. The
undermining U.S. efforts and the CIA will now fall to the EU Parliament, by the Colombian intelligence service (DAS). It is funded by the U.S., reconstructed by the CIA and in the future, the CIA Colombian hot! The government of the people for the people by the people? This sentence was long ago killed.
"Since the days of Spartacus (= Weiskopf), Karl Marx, Trotsky, Belacoon, Rosa Luxembourg and Ema Goldman (all Jews), this world conspiracy has increased steadily. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has since become the driving force behind every subversive movement during the 19th Century. " Winston Churchill 1920th
EU Kommissionspræs. Barroso March 2, 2011 : "We can only contribute to an open society, if we encourage more freedom of movement. We should be ready to countries meet specific conditions, mobility partnerships to offer ... so that the movement can be increased by the countries themselves and with Europe. We support non-state actors such as NGOs, trade unions, women's organizations and the media. "
In the twisted world of the New World Order (NWO), are the opinions of the general people not stupid. NWO-democracy based on the " civil society " - from the institutions of the new world order and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) set up and paid for by people who can use their services - from the ordinary Unknown people
and generally not selected. Such donors can the UN, the EU, national governments, intelligence agencies - or private people like George Soros , particularly the Eastern European and Asian NGOs supported . The point is that, if these NGOs will be asked to do what they are paid, it is the will of the people. These NGOs are by definition the "good guys" fighting for "justice" - and if they take power, democracy and the will "(NWO) Rule of Law" ! Prevail It is very clever, we take North Africa: the Egyptian and Tunisian peoples were in their "revolutions" that have no revolutions at all-but peaceful demonstrations, to let out the steam and no freedom at all did - declared victory. A few people were lost, but the old system continues to be governed. Now, this brings the peoples of fraud back to the streets in Tunisia and Egypt. This is NWO control with the people who are betrayed by their "civil society" NGOs, Amr. Moussa of the Arab League, ElBaradei of George Soros'and Brzezinski's . Crisis Group At the EU level is European Economic and Social Council ( Committee - and here ) responsible for contact with the "civil society" at the "heart EU enlargement is "( Olli Rehn, EU Commissioner ). Furthermore, said Mr Olli Rehn on 17 Apr. 2008 " in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Open Society Institute - whose founder, George Soros, speaking to me will be opened in 12 centers around the country to NGOs in their networking and to support communication. The EU financed 8 of these centers. " Which means that the EU is working closely with George Soros and his NGOs. This civil society was entrusted to the Islamization of Europe. But the world's most dangerous NGOs, the U.S. central bank that destroys the world economy. I will not go into the 2 NWO safest ways to create chaos: The economic crisis and here and the "war on terror .
first The CIA and the civil society Philip Agee, former CIA agent : Since its founding in 1947, the CIA is deeply involved in secretly funding and manipulating foreign non-governmental voluntary. These massive operations go around the world and aim to political parties, trade unions and business associations, youth and student organizations, women's groups, civil society organizations, religious communities, professional, intellectual and cultural societies and the public media. The network is working at local, national, regional and global levels. Over the years, the CIA exerts phenomenal share influence behind the scenes in one country after another, where they use the help of these powerful elements of civil society to help organizations to penetrate on the left, to weaken, destroy, and even for regime change, the auszuwirken overthrow of governments.
second Rothschild agent George Soros, and his "Open Society - an NGO The Soros Dossier 4 July 2008, P.71 : Soros explained that the ideal open society would suppress specific national interests, while an international political and financial structure, the responsibility for the so-called public interest take over. armed Accordingly Soros's philanthropic organizations with cash to buy important sectors within the population, which are then released to overthrow a government that tries to the "closed society" to be recorded. If a nation wants to control their own natural resources, it's a closed society. If a nation develop its economy and workforce through tariffs and regulations will, it is a closed society. Any nation that rejects globalization (ie British imperialism), is a private company and is subject to attacks by Soros and his shadow government of national agents.
The Open Society Institute (OSI), the Human Rights Watch, the Soros Foundation, the Extractive Industries Transparency Institute, all British-style news teams under the supervision of Soros . In 2002, Soros was personally known to spend over $ 2.1 billion over five years for its philanthropic endeavors. Of its organizations, he writes, "They work with the government if they can independently from the government if they can not, sometimes they are in open opposition.
If foundations can work together with governments, they can be more effective, and if they can not, their work is needed even more. As a general rule, the worse the government, the better the foundation, because it enjoys the commitment and support to civil society. "
what they think" closed society behavior "is introduced before the tribunal paid people, or if the conduct of imperial interests seriously threatened, the UN, the World Bank, IMF, WTO, etc. mobilized to implement sanctions . This process of subjugation of a sovereign state under a fixed international standard of conduct is "transparency" bennannt. The fixed relationship among the subject nations is empire.
Soros ally, Tony Blair said, expressed his vision for such international institutions in a speech to the UN World Summit in September 2005: "For the first time - at this summit - we have agreed that States not have the right to do what they want within their own borders, but that we, on behalf of mankind have a common duty to protect people where their own governments do not want it. "
third The NGOs (non-governmental organizations) are already unleashed in France, Germany, England and Greece and will be soon available on the streets in America, a state that George Soros as the biggest obstacle to one-world government described, "has its - Patriots 11 Nov. 2011 for America.
NGOs who foment revolution for a long time and are on the payroll of the deadly duo, George Soros and Maurice Strong of the one-world order, not from the good. The political, strategic spawn of Soros and Strong are the paid agents of change, the look to Barack Obama to do the job. It was Strong, who long ago the blueprint for the coupling of the money of the "humanitarians" and created the business with government goals.
No one better describes the NGOs as Phyllis Schlafly, they observed for decades: "The NGOs are energetic lobbyist for dramatic changes in mission and structure of the UN, in order to world government reach. Most NGOs are also members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which developed many of the global environmental policy measures in the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention on Climate Change and the Agenda 21 . The most prominent NGOs, the radical environmental groups like the Sierra Club and the feminist and population control groups such as Planned Parenthood. "
But the NGO members are both cunning and sneaky and do as they stand on the side of the masses . They are the neighbor, the cantor who sings in Sunday's church service, the babysitter that teaches your children that the evil capitalism must be stamped out that Mom and Dad are polluting the planet. Here is a list of Soros-supported NGOs and institutions.
Infowars 20 Feb. 2011: Serbia Otpor, or Resistance, "was with millions of dollars from the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy funding. His clenched fist logo adorned banners, signs and T-shirts on the artificial turf of the U.S. State Department to the overthrow of Slobodan Milošević 2000th Exactly the same logo would appear 11 years later in the Mediterranean in the streets of Cairo and further illustrates the international nature of the Egyptian uprisings. After the success of Serbia's Otpor concerned continued funding from the West and became a "CIA coup College" under the name CANVAS or the Center for Applied Non-Violent Action and Strategies. ". It seems that after the Egyptian youth movement "6 April "his visit to the U.S. Aussenministerim interview in New York City in 2008 made everyone, she made a trip to Otpor / CANVAS now to visit in 2009. From there it took CANVAS's "curriculum" and apparently its logo and launched a US-funded mob in Egypt to collect. In fact, this is the fist Flag of Kmara. Kmara (Georgian - "Enough") was founded by Sakashvilis Liberty Institute and funded by the U.S. and George Soros to the Georgian president, Eduard Shevardnadze, to displace in 2003 because he is the U.S. opposed.
The Arab riots Prison Planet 27 February 2011: As Washington rushes the Middle East and North Africa falls into chaos and the city for city-globalists henchmen in his hands, many mistakenly that "change" as a positive change interpreted.
the contrary, the regime to replace the embattled nationalist dictators in every nation, pillaging the globalists who are not in line with national governments in the service of their people but are the "civil society" document, which the Western NGOs have built up over decades meticulously match. This "civil society" in turn, is the globalist corporate institutions like the IMF, the WTO, the World Bank and the UN, the economic "liberalization" crush that match.
The following lists the companies and institutions that appear behind the most heinous atrocities that unfold today, constantly . Of the millions murdered in the disaster in Vietnam, the millions who die in the global "war on terror" or maimed are made, and of course the chaos during the development of deliberate reconstruction of the Middle East and North Africa that will influence an indefinite time, millions of human lives and their future, these are the people responsible : CFR Corporate Membership - The Chatham House Major Corporate Membership - The Chatham House Standard Corporate Membership - The International Crisis Group Supporters
We have a Vorverpackungsideal in reference to how "revolutionary" look. So when we see how people fight in the streets with security forces, are waving flags before burning scenes, we are satisfied that "revolution" takes place. But the reality is, this is not a revolution itself with imagination. It
is a high-tech, high-speed invasion and subjugation, destruction of the sovereign state similar to what Roman Tacitus in the conquered Britannia described . Agrippa: From " His job was to get them used to live in peace and tranquility through the provision of facilities. He therefore gave official support for the construction of temples, public places and good homes. He made the sons of chiefs in the liberal arts, and pressed for British ability instead of the trained skills of the Gauls. The result was that instead of hating the Latin language, they eagerly sought to speak it effectively. In the same way, our national dress came into favor and the toga was everywhere to be seen. Thus, the population was gradually seduced into temptation demoralizing arcades, baths and sumptuous banquets. The unsuspecting Britons spoke of such innovations as "civilization", even though it was really just a feature of their enslavement. " Tacitus Annals of Imperial Rome, translated by Michael Grant, Penguin, 1956, 1975, page 72
As we can see, is "civil society" not a new idea, nor is the concept of euthanasia in a population of decadence and complacency, taking in a corrupt, exploitative, dominant be rolled empire.
Some may be skeptical that Boycott and replacement of the elitist system, which currently dominates the humanity even be possible, but it is already in progress. The alternative media is such an example , where people of Lies repulsive propagandists are tired and have decided to turn off the television and the messages themselves to feed. It became a self-sustaining industry, which has exponential growth, where reputation and accuracy - instead of the smooth graphics and $ 500 suits, which otherwise used were of the "legitimacy".
Foreign Affairs "The World Ahead", a special issue of Foreign Affairs: non-state actors (NGOs) will play a big role .
4th The editors of the Economist is constitutional for "mentally ill" explains. "In fact, there is something childish to the belief of the devotees of the Constitution that the complex political disputes today by simple faith in a document that in the 18 Century is written, can be resolved, "the editors wrote on 23 September. "If the story in Scripture and men transformed into gods, the truth is the victim." - Infowars 25 Sept. 2010:
The Constitution does not refer to the "hard questions of modern politics," namely, it should homosexuals be allowed to marry? The Economist is owned by members of the Rothschild banking family in England. It is run by the Economist Group, a known CIA front , . Soon after the Economist published an article article in "The Foreign Policy", the idea that we should follow the Constitution, a tough rejected calls. Joshua Keating wrote that he believed "the majority of Americans do not know quite, how old is the Constitution according to world standards," ie . Globalistennormen . In 2008, the "Foreign Policy" by The Washington Post Company purchased. The Washington Post is the crown jewel of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, which is to undermine the free press in the United States.
The CFR will "affect the transfer of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States," warned Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR. For the realization of their one-world Regierungsintrige have undermined the CFR and the ruling elite, the sovereignty of the United States.
comments list of the main owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve of Representatives, Louis T. McFadden, 12 years quoted Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, - and from the Congressional Record ( He was murdered because of his outspokenness ). See these names - and you will know who are getting rid of our constitutions, which they use other NGOs to undermine the nation states. In the end grave
activity is the preferred method of the NWO to create your best tool is the "civil society" "Chaos Rules" - a well-paid corps of vampire teeth blind idealists who think they can save the world on the basis of lies (CO2 lie multiculturalism, etc.). Of course, some of them provide fine analysis. But they are paid to provide ideological responses, in the sense: "The people said " shall be used to replace both free elections and independent opinion polls..
Not only that, Snappy Rothschild agents call themselves "humanitarians" and use NGOs as watchdogs against countries that do not open the plundering by the globalists. Then the Illuminati tighten their economic, military maybe thumb screws until the "closed country" and join in the open. Libya's and Iran's rulers are those stubborn (and unsympathetic) rulers in closed countries. Therefore, they were eliminated - at any price! How the illuminist ( explanatory statement , p. 29) world dictatorship - because we allow it!
In North Africa and elsewhere, they are now used by the CIA to conduct "revolutions" in the way - all without real change. Now the NGOs the opportunity to become the basis of a new dictatorship. However, this is not about the limits of the Muslim fundamentalists who are set see the Muslim Brotherhood , and the military. For it is true: The choice in Muslim countries, secular military - or Muslim Schariagewalt - in both cases dictatorship. The NGOs need to seek support of one or the other - only
are puppets in this situation - win some of the methods of the ancient Roman decadence. Why do
illuminists humanity in despair to Rebellion starve? Why the CIA is undermining the EU, the U.S. partner by THE NWO? Perhaps the answer lies in its stated disdain for the Constitution of the United States (and others) - the backbone of the U.S.. They want a world government - order out of chaos - but chaos first!
A group of MEPs call for measures such as more details emerge about the alleged covert operation of the Colombian secret service (DAS), a highly criminal , United States-funded organization to continue. One of the goals was, to undermine the authority of the European Parliament. The close relations between Washington and Bogota are well known - EUOBSERVER 26 June 2010 .
Left: The Colombian Pres Alvaro Uribe and CIA director Leon Panetta. DAS is now transformed by the CIA and is hot Columbian CIA !
However, with the possible exception of Libya, there has been no revolution. No real change has taken place. This frustration is the people the feeling of betrayal, and can then become real revolution in the sense of Bürgerkriege führen.
Soros is Rothschild agent, and his Open Society is working to ensure that there is this Illuminatenbande free access to the looting of all resources of a country. If a country resists the globalization and opening, to maintain its natural resources and preserve its own workforce by tariffs and rules and will develop and manage their own immigration occurs, the Civil Society of the police Soros, the EU, UN, CIA in action, and invite such "Closed country" before the courts-globalists, they pay with our tax money and out of pocket. In "bad" cases of self-will, move the UN, the IMF, the World Bank sanctions. Now this is the defiant, self-states, Libya and Iran, happens. NGOs are vigorously lobbying for dramatic changes in the UN mission and structure to achieve world government. Enter at the side of the masses. Most NGOs are also members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). I n Egypt s "Revolution" is the Kmara flag - a special clenched fist appeared . first she was in revolution against Milosevich and by the U.S. State Department and then in the Georgian Revolution in 2003 used . The leading "6 April " Facebook Youth Movement got her first statement by the U.S. State Department - and then by the CIA-supported Belgrade Otpor / now CANVAS to the state the art learn from demonstrations .
now called the Rothschild publication, The Economist, makeup trailer "mentally ill". "In fact, there is something childish to the belief of the devotees of the Constitution that the complex political disputes today by simple faith in a document that in the 18 Century is written, can be resolved. "The CIA supporters, The Foreign Policy, does not believe that the old rules may handle such complex issues as same-sex marriages! Another player in this direction is America's "invisible government", the Council on Foreign Relations: The CFR will "affect the transfer of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States," warned Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR. For the realization of their one-world Regierungsintrige need the CFR and the ruling elite, the sovereignty of the United States undermined. To this end, the civil society is well-suited - and they will play according to the CFR magazine, "Foreign Affairs", a very important role in the future.. The
undermining U.S. efforts and the CIA will now fall to the EU Parliament, by the Colombian intelligence service (DAS). It is funded by the U.S., reconstructed by the CIA and in the future, the CIA Colombian hot! The government of the people for the people by the people? This sentence was long ago killed.
"Since the days of Spartacus (= Weiskopf), Karl Marx, Trotsky, Belacoon, Rosa Luxembourg and Ema Goldman (all Jews), this world conspiracy has increased steadily. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has since become the driving force behind every subversive movement during the 19th Century. " Winston Churchill 1920th
EU Kommissionspræs. Barroso March 2, 2011 : "We can only contribute to an open society, if we encourage more freedom of movement. We should be ready to countries meet specific conditions, mobility partnerships to offer ... so that the movement can be increased by the countries themselves and with Europe. We support non-state actors such as NGOs, trade unions, women's organizations and the media. "
In the twisted world of the New World Order (NWO), are the opinions of the general people not stupid. NWO-democracy based on the " civil society " - from the institutions of the new world order and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) set up and paid for by people who can use their services - from the ordinary Unknown people
first The CIA and the civil society Philip Agee, former CIA agent : Since its founding in 1947, the CIA is deeply involved in secretly funding and manipulating foreign non-governmental voluntary. These massive operations go around the world and aim to political parties, trade unions and business associations, youth and student organizations, women's groups, civil society organizations, religious communities, professional, intellectual and cultural societies and the public media. The network is working at local, national, regional and global levels. Over the years, the CIA exerts phenomenal share influence behind the scenes in one country after another, where they use the help of these powerful elements of civil society to help organizations to penetrate on the left, to weaken, destroy, and even for regime change, the auszuwirken overthrow of governments.
The Open Society Institute (OSI), the Human Rights Watch, the Soros Foundation, the Extractive Industries Transparency Institute, all British-style news teams under the supervision of Soros . In 2002, Soros was personally known to spend over $ 2.1 billion over five years for its philanthropic endeavors. Of its organizations, he writes, "They work with the government if they can independently from the government if they can not, sometimes they are in open opposition.
If foundations can work together with governments, they can be more effective, and if they can not, their work is needed even more. As a general rule, the worse the government, the better the foundation, because it enjoys the commitment and support to civil society. "
what they think" closed society behavior "is introduced before the tribunal paid people, or if the conduct of imperial interests seriously threatened, the UN, the World Bank, IMF, WTO, etc. mobilized to implement sanctions . This process of subjugation of a sovereign state under a fixed international standard of conduct is "transparency" bennannt. The fixed relationship among the subject nations is empire.
Soros ally, Tony Blair said, expressed his vision for such international institutions in a speech to the UN World Summit in September 2005: "For the first time - at this summit - we have agreed that States not have the right to do what they want within their own borders, but that we, on behalf of mankind have a common duty to protect people where their own governments do not want it. "
NGOs who foment revolution for a long time and are on the payroll of the deadly duo, George Soros and Maurice Strong of the one-world order, not from the good. The political, strategic spawn of Soros and Strong are the paid agents of change, the look to Barack Obama to do the job. It was Strong, who long ago the blueprint for the coupling of the money of the "humanitarians" and created the business with government goals.
No one better describes the NGOs as Phyllis Schlafly, they observed for decades: "The NGOs are energetic lobbyist for dramatic changes in mission and structure of the UN, in order to world government reach. Most NGOs are also members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which developed many of the global environmental policy measures in the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention on Climate Change and the Agenda 21 . The most prominent NGOs, the radical environmental groups like the Sierra Club and the feminist and population control groups such as Planned Parenthood. "
But the NGO members are both cunning and sneaky and do as they stand on the side of the masses . They are the neighbor, the cantor who sings in Sunday's church service, the babysitter that teaches your children that the evil capitalism must be stamped out that Mom and Dad are polluting the planet. Here is a list of Soros-supported NGOs and institutions.

The Arab riots Prison Planet 27 February 2011: As Washington rushes the Middle East and North Africa falls into chaos and the city for city-globalists henchmen in his hands, many mistakenly that "change" as a positive change interpreted.
the contrary, the regime to replace the embattled nationalist dictators in every nation, pillaging the globalists who are not in line with national governments in the service of their people but are the "civil society" document, which the Western NGOs have built up over decades meticulously match. This "civil society" in turn, is the globalist corporate institutions like the IMF, the WTO, the World Bank and the UN, the economic "liberalization" crush that match.
The following lists the companies and institutions that appear behind the most heinous atrocities that unfold today, constantly . Of the millions murdered in the disaster in Vietnam, the millions who die in the global "war on terror" or maimed are made, and of course the chaos during the development of deliberate reconstruction of the Middle East and North Africa that will influence an indefinite time, millions of human lives and their future, these are the people responsible : CFR Corporate Membership - The Chatham House Major Corporate Membership - The Chatham House Standard Corporate Membership - The International Crisis Group Supporters
We have a Vorverpackungsideal in reference to how "revolutionary" look. So when we see how people fight in the streets with security forces, are waving flags before burning scenes, we are satisfied that "revolution" takes place. But the reality is, this is not a revolution itself with imagination. It
As we can see, is "civil society" not a new idea, nor is the concept of euthanasia in a population of decadence and complacency, taking in a corrupt, exploitative, dominant be rolled empire.
Some may be skeptical that Boycott and replacement of the elitist system, which currently dominates the humanity even be possible, but it is already in progress. The alternative media is such an example , where people of Lies repulsive propagandists are tired and have decided to turn off the television and the messages themselves to feed. It became a self-sustaining industry, which has exponential growth, where reputation and accuracy - instead of the smooth graphics and $ 500 suits, which otherwise used were of the "legitimacy".

4th The editors of the Economist is constitutional for "mentally ill" explains. "In fact, there is something childish to the belief of the devotees of the Constitution that the complex political disputes today by simple faith in a document that in the 18 Century is written, can be resolved, "the editors wrote on 23 September. "If the story in Scripture and men transformed into gods, the truth is the victim." - Infowars 25 Sept. 2010:
The Constitution does not refer to the "hard questions of modern politics," namely, it should homosexuals be allowed to marry? The Economist is owned by members of the Rothschild banking family in England. It is run by the Economist Group, a known CIA front , . Soon after the Economist published an article article in "The Foreign Policy", the idea that we should follow the Constitution, a tough rejected calls. Joshua Keating wrote that he believed "the majority of Americans do not know quite, how old is the Constitution according to world standards," ie . Globalistennormen . In 2008, the "Foreign Policy" by The Washington Post Company purchased. The Washington Post is the crown jewel of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, which is to undermine the free press in the United States.
The CFR will "affect the transfer of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States," warned Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR. For the realization of their one-world Regierungsintrige have undermined the CFR and the ruling elite, the sovereignty of the United States.
comments list of the main owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve of Representatives, Louis T. McFadden, 12 years quoted Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, - and from the Congressional Record ( He was murdered because of his outspokenness ). See these names - and you will know who are getting rid of our constitutions, which they use other NGOs to undermine the nation states. In the end grave
activity is the preferred method of the NWO to create your best tool is the "civil society" "Chaos Rules" - a well-paid corps of vampire teeth blind idealists who think they can save the world on the basis of lies (CO2 lie multiculturalism, etc.). Of course, some of them provide fine analysis. But they are paid to provide ideological responses, in the sense: "The people said " shall be used to replace both free elections and independent opinion polls..
Not only that, Snappy Rothschild agents call themselves "humanitarians" and use NGOs as watchdogs against countries that do not open the plundering by the globalists. Then the Illuminati tighten their economic, military maybe thumb screws until the "closed country" and join in the open. Libya's and Iran's rulers are those stubborn (and unsympathetic) rulers in closed countries. Therefore, they were eliminated - at any price! How the illuminist ( explanatory statement , p. 29) world dictatorship - because we allow it!
In North Africa and elsewhere, they are now used by the CIA to conduct "revolutions" in the way - all without real change. Now the NGOs the opportunity to become the basis of a new dictatorship. However, this is not about the limits of the Muslim fundamentalists who are set see the Muslim Brotherhood , and the military. For it is true: The choice in Muslim countries, secular military - or Muslim Schariagewalt - in both cases dictatorship. The NGOs need to seek support of one or the other - only
illuminists humanity in despair to Rebellion starve? Why the CIA is undermining the EU, the U.S. partner by THE NWO? Perhaps the answer lies in its stated disdain for the Constitution of the United States (and others) - the backbone of the U.S.. They want a world government - order out of chaos - but chaos first!
A group of MEPs call for measures such as more details emerge about the alleged covert operation of the Colombian secret service (DAS), a highly criminal , United States-funded organization to continue. One of the goals was, to undermine the authority of the European Parliament. The close relations between Washington and Bogota are well known - EUOBSERVER 26 June 2010 .
Left: The Colombian Pres Alvaro Uribe and CIA director Leon Panetta. DAS is now transformed by the CIA and is hot Columbian CIA !
However, with the possible exception of Libya, there has been no revolution. No real change has taken place. This frustration is the people the feeling of betrayal, and can then become real revolution in the sense of Bürgerkriege führen.
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