Update 11/02/2011
The same vote on the basis of 22 327 votes cast, does not look different.
German do not need elections. You can not choose really are immature because they always vote, no matter what happens around them also and no matter how closely they tighten their belts to be required. Merkel seems to know the Germans very well.
one sees how the "voters" in this survey to rate on 09.02.2011, one wonders, people read a newspaper, run with closed eyes in their lives or are they simply reality deniers.
It seems that the moves "regular voters" outside of perception, like a hamster running in a covered cage in the impellers.
As we tell the "elites" day in and day out, supported by the opinion-compliant media necessarily what they're all in this country and what happens, NOTHING.
What is shown here as a satire, seems bitter Reality to be. "The Germans are just too dumb" to understand what happens to them and their country. The self-appointed elites
tell-every day, what they intend. Only no one seems to listen:
Walter Wilhelm Christian Wulff, 52, CDU, since 30 June 2010, the tenth President of the Federal Republic of Germany. On the Day of German Unity 2010:
"Islam is one of Germany."Chancellor Angela Merkel, 56, CDU, on the 60-year anniversary celebration of the CDU, 2007:
"The Germans have no legal right on democracy and social market economy for all eternity. No longer in the German constitution is seen as the foundation of the German raison d'etat but the trans-Atlantic partnership and a commitment to the existence of Israel. "Angela Merkel, 56, (CDU), German Federal Chancellor
Friday, November 13, 2009:" The make nation-states would have powers to multilateral organizations "Angela Merkel, 56, (CDU) Chancellor of the FRG to a CSU Members:
." The federal government is of the opinion that Germany since reunification, not a Christian country longer because many in the East and we are no longer Christians more and more Muslim Fellow citizens "Angela Merkel, 56, (CDU), German Federal Chancellor
articles about the referendum:".. I am strongly of the view that plebiscite elements on the federal level, not the way forward "Wolfgang Schäuble, 69, (CDU), German finance minister reportedly seriously ill:
"Muslims are our anything but a threat. You are an asset, our order to make more diverse, they are welcome and wanted "Prof. Dr. Maria Böhmer, 60, CDU, Minister of State at the Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel.
" they maintain their culture, let us remember participate ".. That said, the integration commissioner
Prof. Dr. Maria Böhmer, 60, (CDU), said:
" These people with their diverse culture, its warmth and its zest for life will enrich us all ". Aygül Özkan, 40, (CDU), Lower Saxony's Minister of Wulff's grace:
stunned the Christian Democratic Muslim woman - with a "Media Charter for Lower Saxony" They should sign journalists in the country flight would with the paper, the representatives of the press in mid-August.. undertake, inter alia, "to report the challenges of integrating" over and a "culturally sensitive . Language "appliedNorbert Geis, 73, (CSU) Bundestag deputy discovered the reality.
said back in April 2010, the Muslim Aygül Özkan (CDU) for the removal of crosses from public schools from
Norbert Geis said, he expects that will be every second Muslim in Germany in 30 to 40 years. " We will see that in the future as more foreigners, more Muslims there are, "Geis said on Thursday evening at the station. "We will have half-half
Guttenberg, 39, (CSU) to visit on 02.10.2010 by Geert Wilders:"
"These guys are all alike, whether they are called Le Pen, Wilders hot or Haider called "Horst Seehofer, 61, (CSU) said he did not believe in any party the right of the Union.
" We have prevented the post-war history and they are going to continue.Elli Renate Kühnast, 57-GREEN, Calls:
"We have to naturalize Islam"
Joschka Fischer, 64, - GREEN - now the promoter of the gas project "Nabuco" + lobbyist for BMW and RWE
"Germany must be fenced in from the outside and inside heterogenized by inflow, less" diluted ". "
Daniel Cohn-Bendit, 66, GREEN Euro MP-
In his autobiography portrays Daniel Cohn-Bendit, the top candidate of the Greens in the European elections, as he held in his time as a kindergarten child sex: "My flirtation came, took the children soon erotic moves sometimes to .. it before that the small children I unbuttoned his pants, and have started to caress me. If the kids insisted, I caressed it, too. "
wife Narges Eskandari-Grünberg, 46-GREEN, to the mostly German audience:
"Migration is a fact If they do not fit they have to move elsewhere.."Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger 60, (FDP) said to Geert Wilders 10/02/2010:
"advice of dubious characters from the Netherlands to run counter to our efforts to promote the integration of Muslim fellow citizens"(Geert Wilders is a Dutch politician, 23 % of the Dutch in free, democratic Select is selected.)
And while the "German voters" in the media system of Tittitainment subjects, creating the "elite" are a new people. Perhaps even to think, otherwise it could be a give rude awakening.
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