Thursday, February 3, 2011

Itching Ankles And Wrists

next act of insane Mediterranean Union crime drama is now played - The Army supports Mubarak ....

The Euro-Mediterranean project was started by enthusiastic supporters NWO in 1973. The Barcelona Declaration was followed in 1995, and the Mediterranean Union in 2008. But all this spasmodic, unnatural and secret project could never really little more than a stream of immigrants from "partner countries" in the self-declared illuminist EU - and a power wasted money the other way.

rolls now suddenly an avalanche of well-planned revolutions of the "partner countries" and an act of a domino effect that is allegedly on discontent with high food prices and high unemployment can be traced. Supposedly, the revolutions were not initially raised Islamic, even though virtually all are devout Muslims in Arab countries. One might suspect of outside influence. The EU has pumped a lot of our tax dollars in the project - and get nothing back, except for very expensive and troublesome immigrants. Now joined the Secretary General of the Mediterranean Union in less than a year back in office - because he saw the Union as worthless, both in terms of the solution in Islam inherent problems of poverty - as well as the collection of money for the 6 flagship Projects of the Union.

meet In the meantime, apparently European leaders are confused and can do nothing more than to beg for a "peaceful transition". EU leaders were blossgestelt how the media reported that they wanted the Islamist mass immigration to Europe to change our Christian nation states radically and fundamentally. Although they are now demanding free elections in Arab countries, they fear, paradoxically, what the revolution may well mean: unchecked Sharia, which is full of immigrants to Europe to spill over. Therefore, most European politicians would rather keep Mubarak or a similar form. The United States obviously does not know what leg they choose should, although they planned revolution in Egypt since December 2008, according to Wikileaks is known and supported by them. Now a Saudi prince's royal family has come to escape, because a military coup was there on the road - and the Saudi king and oil experts fear a radical Muslim takeover.

repeatedly called the Muslim Brotherhood, whose plan for the Islamization of Europe in Switzerland was discovered some years ago. She is now collaborating with the former IAEA chief El Baradei, and seems, with the army, which has renounced violence, and sympathizes with the demonstrators to be closely associated. The goal of the Brotherhood is the Shari'a - And they wieiss that the only extreme conditions can be imposed. It is Islamic and Freemasonry has always been closely linked to the illuminist banks, connected to the governments of the United States and Great Britain, and its intelligence agencies. Their top executives are Illuminati - not Muslim, what are the middle and lower classes. They are the leader of the Egyptian revolution. The brotherhood is extremely Islamist, and Al Qaeda and Hamas members. But outside it is westernized. The EU Centre for European Studies, September 2010, gives a thorough presentation of the Brotherhood in Egypt, Morocco and Jordan - and urged the EU to be very wary. But the Brotherhood in all Muslim countries and many others represented.

read more here ...

The conquest of Europe by the Muslim Brotherhood
translation from English: H. Eiteneier

Preface of the translator: the texts German sources are (re) translations from the English article and should therefore not the exact wording of the original documents are equivalent.

Since its founding in 1928 affected the Muslim Brotherhood (Hizb al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun) the political life of the Middle East profoundly. Their motto is: "Allah is our goal. The Prophet is our Leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our greatest hope. "[1]

The radical ideas of the Brotherhood have had the faith of generations shaped by Islamists, but over the course of the last two decades it has anything in their power and appeal of the Middle East lost;.. it was the harsh repression smashed by local regimes and pushed by the younger generations of Islamists on the head, which often prefer more radical organizations

But the near East is only part of the Muslim world, Europe is an incubator for Islamist thought and political development has become. Since the early 1960s are members of the Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers to Europe as drawn and built slowly, but surely a vast and well-organized network of mosques, Islamic welfare associations and organizations. Unlike the vast Islamic community should the ultimate goal of the Muslim Brotherhood not only be simply "to help Muslims be the best citizens that there is," but the Islamic law in Europe and the United States to extend [2].

here please read the entire article informative

The presented in the following document of the Muslim Brotherhood presents a detailed strategy to subvert Western societies and their institutions. The three central concepts of the Islamic expansion strategy, we know already learned:

Click here for the complete article

Let us wonder how many "refugees" be this time swept into the EU from North Africa and Asia. 20 million, 50 million?

Update: 02/04/2011
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
As Germany is approaching the Islamists

that dialogue with Islamic forces is important - it is all foundation representatives agree. "It was not a wise attitude, exclude the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt from the dialogue, "says Ronald Meinardus of the Naumann Foundation." Personally I am of the opinion that it is very important to talk with these people. " de/politik/ausland/0, 1518,743563,00. html

Update 02/06/2011

West warns of risks of change in Arab world
Given the unrest in Egypt and other Arab countries have warned many politicians at the Munich security conference from the risks of change. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the way to democracy could be "chaotic" or run back even in an autocratic system. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) advised of rash from elections in Egypt. This article read

Update 02/06/2011
The Egyptian protest movement: "dictators" do not rule fully, click obey commands here for the full article to read


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