Saturday, March 5, 2011

H Entai عربي

Lord forgive you, because you know exactly what to do .........


Since Poland in the globalist EU, appears to have formerly Catholic Poland to have changed a lot. Or was previously set up giant condoms, to honor Mr. Fromm and to remember him?
is interesting in this context also that this "giant condom event" even finds its way into the pigs media in Germany. How sick, the "German media" to be that they believe that their readers are interested, or for which "naturally-driven animals," the media needs to keep its readers that after just think of these media, only for sex and all so interested coherent.
The German "media consumers" should think again, why it have to Sigmund Freud, born to Jewish parents, was the alleged shamelessness is a sure sign of idiocy.
The German "media consumers" should also think about why chastity is a virtue in Christianity and Islam, neither in nor in Judaism to "giant condom-events" like this could happen in Poland. Apparently there are only the supposedly "Christian" nations, to such excesses, from whatever reason, tend to leave or be animated.

Polish town remembers with a giant condom to Julius Fromm
03.04.2011, 21:45 clock
with a giant condom has recalled a citizens' initiative in the birthplace of Julius Fromm in Poland to the inventor of the modern Verhüterlis - and not only won friends. To Fromm's 128th Birthday of the activists went to the fountain in the center of the city with a Riesenpräservativ Konin. This was reported by a private television station TVN24.
The idea is controversial, but he wanted to preserve the great citizens of the city from being forgotten, Jedrzejczak Bartosz said of the movement in support of action-Konin. A spokesman for the city administration was less enthusiastic, however: Konin would do now in the country with condoms related.

Fromm (1883-1945) had lived up to his tenth year in Konin. In 1893 he emigrated with his family to Berlin. In 1914 a Jewish merchant, founded in Prenzlauer Berg, a factory for rubber products and invented the seamless condom made of natural rubber. In 1916 he brought his first brand condom "Frommser" on the market.
Or here with Image:

Wielka prezerwatywa wizytówką Konina? Zdania są podzielone (Filmy)

PS: It's not about condoms in general. It is whether the need exists, the "inventor" to "honor" in this way.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Denise Milani Desnudda¿?

"away with the childish constitutions": The sub-grave core role of civil society for the Open NWO Society

Summary: A little known phenomenon is the "civil society", consisting of paid mercenaries of the globalists in the form of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), institutions, etc. Their main task is to provide the UN to supply the EU ("the heart of EU enlargement"), people like George Soros, etc. desired reactions. Soros himself has an NGO, "The Open Society, founded and paid large sums to the minions of the submissive civil society. Soros NGOs and their work with the EU, in particular the EU Economic and Social Council, together. The responses of civil society are given as the people's will, even though civil society is completely undemocratic. Civil society is also used for preparing the ground for revolution, for example in North Africa and the Middle East. The CIA uses the global civil society in order to foment revolutions and influencing public opinion in the desired direction in target countries. Perhaps the most dangerous (quasi-) NGOs, the U.S. Federal Reserve / National Bank, currently in the process the destruction of the World Economy (hyperinflation) by rampant issue of banknotes is active.
Soros is Rothschild agent, and his Open Society is working to ensure that there is this Illuminatenbande free access to the looting of all resources of a country. If a country resists the globalization and opening, to maintain its natural resources and preserve its own workforce by tariffs and rules and will develop and manage their own immigration occurs, the Civil Society of the police Soros, the EU, UN, CIA in action, and invite such "Closed country" before the courts-globalists, they pay with our tax money and out of pocket. In "bad" cases of self-will, move the UN, the IMF, the World Bank sanctions. Now this is the defiant, self-states, Libya and Iran, happens. NGOs are vigorously lobbying for dramatic changes in the UN mission and structure to achieve world government. Enter at the side of the masses. Most NGOs are also members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). I n Egypt s "Revolution" is the Kmara flag - a special clenched fist appeared . first she was in revolution against Milosevich and by the U.S. State Department and then in the Georgian Revolution in 2003 used . The leading "6 April " Facebook Youth Movement got her first statement by the U.S. State Department - and then by the CIA-supported Belgrade Otpor / now CANVAS to the state the art learn from demonstrations .
now called the Rothschild publication, The Economist, makeup trailer "mentally ill". "In fact, there is something childish to the belief of the devotees of the Constitution that the complex political disputes today by simple faith in a document that in the 18 Century is written, can be resolved. "The CIA supporters, The Foreign Policy, does not believe that the old rules may handle such complex issues as same-sex marriages! Another player in this direction is America's "invisible government", the Council on Foreign Relations: The CFR will "affect the transfer of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States," warned Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR. For the realization of their one-world Regierungsintrige need the CFR and the ruling elite, the sovereignty of the United States undermined. To this end, the civil society is well-suited - and they will play according to the CFR magazine, "Foreign Affairs", a very important role in the future.. The
undermining U.S. efforts and the CIA will now fall to the EU Parliament, by the Colombian intelligence service (DAS). It is funded by the U.S., reconstructed by the CIA and in the future, the CIA Colombian hot! The government of the people for the people by the people? This sentence was long ago killed.

"Since the days of Spartacus (= Weiskopf), Karl Marx, Trotsky, Belacoon, Rosa Luxembourg and Ema Goldman (all Jews), this world conspiracy has increased steadily. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has since become the driving force behind every subversive movement during the 19th Century. " Winston Churchill 1920th
EU Kommissionspræs. Barroso March 2, 2011 : "We can only contribute to an open society, if we encourage more freedom of movement. We should be ready to countries meet specific conditions, mobility partnerships to offer ... so that the movement can be increased by the countries themselves and with Europe. We support non-state actors such as NGOs, trade unions, women's organizations and the media. "

In the twisted world of the New World Order (NWO), are the opinions of the general people not stupid. NWO-democracy based on the " civil society " - from the institutions of the new world order and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) set up and paid for by people who can use their services - from the ordinary Unknown people George-soros-2 and generally not selected. Such donors can the UN, the EU, national governments, intelligence agencies - or private people like George Soros , particularly the Eastern European and Asian NGOs supported . The point is that, if these NGOs will be asked to do what they are paid, it is the will of the people. These NGOs are by definition the "good guys" fighting for "justice" - and if they take power, democracy and the will "(NWO) Rule of Law" ! Prevail It is very clever, we take North Africa: the Egyptian and Tunisian peoples were in their "revolutions" that have no revolutions at all-but peaceful demonstrations, to let out the steam and no freedom at all did - declared victory. A few people were lost, but the old system continues to be governed. Now, this brings the peoples of fraud back to the streets in Tunisia and Egypt. This is NWO control with the people who are betrayed by their "civil society" NGOs, Amr. Moussa of the Arab League, ElBaradei of George Soros'and Brzezinski's . Crisis Group At the EU level is European Economic and Social Council ( Committee - and here ) responsible for contact with the "civil society" at the "heart EU enlargement is "( Olli Rehn, EU Commissioner ). Furthermore, said Mr Olli Rehn on 17 Apr. 2008 " in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Open Society Institute - whose founder, George Soros, speaking to me will be opened in 12 centers around the country to NGOs in their networking and to support communication. The EU financed 8 of these centers. " Which means that the EU is working closely with George Soros and his NGOs. This civil society was entrusted to the Islamization of Europe. But the world's most dangerous NGOs, the U.S. central bank that destroys the world economy. I will not go into the 2 NWO safest ways to create chaos: The economic crisis and here and the "war on terror .
first The CIA and the civil society Philip Agee, former CIA agent : Since its founding in 1947, the CIA is deeply involved in secretly funding and manipulating foreign non-governmental voluntary. These massive operations go around the world and aim to political parties, trade unions and business associations, youth and student organizations, women's groups, civil society organizations, religious communities, professional, intellectual and cultural societies and the public media. The network is working at local, national, regional and global levels. Over the years, the CIA exerts phenomenal share influence behind the scenes in one country after another, where they use the help of these powerful elements of civil society to help organizations to penetrate on the left, to weaken, destroy, and even for regime change, the auszuwirken overthrow of governments.
Open-society1 second Rothschild agent George Soros, and his "Open Society - an NGO The Soros Dossier 4 July 2008, P.71 : Soros explained that the ideal open society would suppress specific national interests, while an international political and financial structure, the responsibility for the so-called public interest take over. armed Accordingly Soros's philanthropic organizations with cash to buy important sectors within the population, which are then released to overthrow a government that tries to the "closed society" to be recorded. If a nation wants to control their own natural resources, it's a closed society. If a nation develop its economy and workforce through tariffs and regulations will, it is a closed society. Any nation that rejects globalization (ie British imperialism), is a private company and is subject to attacks by Soros and his shadow government of national agents.
The Open Society Institute (OSI), the Human Rights Watch, the Soros Foundation, the Extractive Industries Transparency Institute, all British-style news teams under the supervision of Soros . In 2002, Soros was personally known to spend over $ 2.1 billion over five years for its philanthropic endeavors. Of its organizations, he writes, "They work with the government if they can independently from the government if they can not, sometimes they are in open opposition.
If foundations can work together with governments, they can be more effective, and if they can not, their work is needed even more. As a general rule, the worse the government, the better the foundation, because it enjoys the commitment and support to civil society. "
what they think" closed society behavior "is introduced before the tribunal paid people, or if the conduct of imperial interests seriously threatened, the UN, the World Bank, IMF, WTO, etc. mobilized to implement sanctions . This process of subjugation of a sovereign state under a fixed international standard of conduct is "transparency" bennannt. The fixed relationship among the subject nations is empire.
Soros ally, Tony Blair said, expressed his vision for such international institutions in a speech to the UN World Summit in September 2005: "For the first time - at this summit - we have agreed that States not have the right to do what they want within their own borders, but that we, on behalf of mankind have a common duty to protect people where their own governments do not want it. "
NGO-network third The NGOs (non-governmental organizations) are already unleashed in France, Germany, England and Greece and will be soon available on the streets in America, a state that George Soros as the biggest obstacle to one-world government described, "has its - Patriots 11 Nov. 2011 for America.
NGOs who foment revolution for a long time and are on the payroll of the deadly duo, George Soros and Maurice Strong of the one-world order, not from the good. The political, strategic spawn of Soros and Strong are the paid agents of change, the look to Barack Obama to do the job. It was Strong, who long ago the blueprint for the coupling of the money of the "humanitarians" and created the business with government goals.
No one better describes the NGOs as Phyllis Schlafly, they observed for decades: "The NGOs are energetic lobbyist for dramatic changes in mission and structure of the UN, in order to world government reach. Most NGOs are also members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which developed many of the global environmental policy measures in the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention on Climate Change and the Agenda 21 . The most prominent NGOs, the radical environmental groups like the Sierra Club and the feminist and population control groups such as Planned Parenthood. "
But the NGO members are both cunning and sneaky and do as they stand on the side of the masses . They are the neighbor, the cantor who sings in Sunday's church service, the babysitter that teaches your children that the evil capitalism must be stamped out that Mom and Dad are polluting the planet. Here is a list of Soros-supported NGOs and institutions.
Otpor-canvas-fist Infowars 20 Feb. 2011: Serbia Otpor, or Resistance, "was with millions of dollars from the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy funding. His clenched fist logo adorned banners, signs and T-shirts on the artificial turf of the U.S. State Department to the overthrow of Slobodan Milošević 2000th Exactly the same logo would appear 11 years later in the Mediterranean in the streets of Cairo and further illustrates the international nature of the Egyptian uprisings. After the success of Serbia's Otpor concerned continued funding from the West and became a "CIA coup College" under the name CANVAS or the Center for Applied Non-Violent Action and Strategies. ". It seems that after the Egyptian youth movement "6 April "his visit to the U.S. Aussenministerim interview in New York City in 2008 made everyone, she made a trip to Otpor / CANVAS now to visit in 2009. From there it took CANVAS's "curriculum" and apparently its logo and launched a US-funded mob in Egypt to collect. In fact, this is the fist Flag of Kmara. Kmara (Georgian - "Enough") was founded by Sakashvilis Liberty Institute and funded by the U.S. and George Soros to the Georgian president, Eduard Shevardnadze, to displace in 2003 because he is the U.S. opposed.
The Arab riots Prison Planet 27 February 2011: As Washington rushes the Middle East and North Africa falls into chaos and the city for city-globalists henchmen in his hands, many mistakenly that "change" as a positive change interpreted.
the contrary, the regime to replace the embattled nationalist dictators in every nation, pillaging the globalists who are not in line with national governments in the service of their people but are the "civil society" document, which the Western NGOs have built up over decades meticulously match. This "civil society" in turn, is the globalist corporate institutions like the IMF, the WTO, the World Bank and the UN, the economic "liberalization" crush that match.
The following lists the companies and institutions that appear behind the most heinous atrocities that unfold today, constantly . Of the millions murdered in the disaster in Vietnam, the millions who die in the global "war on terror" or maimed are made, and of course the chaos during the development of deliberate reconstruction of the Middle East and North Africa that will influence an indefinite time, millions of human lives and their future, these are the people responsible : CFR Corporate Membership - The Chatham House Major Corporate Membership - The Chatham House Standard Corporate Membership - The International Crisis Group Supporters
We have a Vorverpackungsideal in reference to how "revolutionary" look. So when we see how people fight in the streets with security forces, are waving flags before burning scenes, we are satisfied that "revolution" takes place. But the reality is, this is not a revolution itself with imagination. It Consulesrp is a high-tech, high-speed invasion and subjugation, destruction of the sovereign state similar to what Roman Tacitus in the conquered Britannia described . Agrippa: From " His job was to get them used to live in peace and tranquility through the provision of facilities. He therefore gave official support for the construction of temples, public places and good homes. He made the sons of chiefs in the liberal arts, and pressed for British ability instead of the trained skills of the Gauls. The result was that instead of hating the Latin language, they eagerly sought to speak it effectively. In the same way, our national dress came into favor and the toga was everywhere to be seen. Thus, the population was gradually seduced into temptation demoralizing arcades, baths and sumptuous banquets. The unsuspecting Britons spoke of such innovations as "civilization", even though it was really just a feature of their enslavement. " Tacitus Annals of Imperial Rome, translated by Michael Grant, Penguin, 1956, 1975, page 72
As we can see, is "civil society" not a new idea, nor is the concept of euthanasia in a population of decadence and complacency, taking in a corrupt, exploitative, dominant be rolled empire.
Some may be skeptical that Boycott and replacement of the elitist system, which currently dominates the humanity even be possible, but it is already in progress. The alternative media is such an example , where people of Lies repulsive propagandists are tired and have decided to turn off the television and the messages themselves to feed. It became a self-sustaining industry, which has exponential growth, where reputation and accuracy - instead of the smooth graphics and $ 500 suits, which otherwise used were of the "legitimacy".
Obama_shreds_constitution Foreign Affairs "The World Ahead", a special issue of Foreign Affairs: non-state actors (NGOs) will play a big role .
4th The editors of the Economist is constitutional for "mentally ill" explains. "In fact, there is something childish to the belief of the devotees of the Constitution that the complex political disputes today by simple faith in a document that in the 18 Century is written, can be resolved, "the editors wrote on 23 September. "If the story in Scripture and men transformed into gods, the truth is the victim." - Infowars 25 Sept. 2010:
The Constitution does not refer to the "hard questions of modern politics," namely, it should homosexuals be allowed to marry? The Economist is owned by members of the Rothschild banking family in England. It is run by the Economist Group, a known CIA front , . Soon after the Economist published an article article in "The Foreign Policy", the idea that we should follow the Constitution, a tough rejected calls. Joshua Keating wrote that he believed "the majority of Americans do not know quite, how old is the Constitution according to world standards," ie . Globalistennormen . In 2008, the "Foreign Policy" by The Washington Post Company purchased. The Washington Post is the crown jewel of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, which is to undermine the free press in the United States.
The CFR will "affect the transfer of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States," warned Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR. For the realization of their one-world Regierungsintrige have undermined the CFR and the ruling elite, the sovereignty of the United States.

comments list of the main owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve of Representatives, Louis T. McFadden, 12 years quoted Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, - and from the Congressional Record ( He was murdered because of his outspokenness ). See these names - and you will know who are getting rid of our constitutions, which they use other NGOs to undermine the nation states. In the end grave
activity is the preferred method of the NWO to create your best tool is the "civil society" "Chaos Rules" - a well-paid corps of vampire teeth blind idealists who think they can save the world on the basis of lies (CO2 lie multiculturalism, etc.). Of course, some of them provide fine analysis. But they are paid to provide ideological responses, in the sense: "The people said " shall be used to replace both free elections and independent opinion polls..
Not only that, Snappy Rothschild agents call themselves "humanitarians" and use NGOs as watchdogs against countries that do not open the plundering by the globalists. Then the Illuminati tighten their economic, military maybe thumb screws until the "closed country" and join in the open. Libya's and Iran's rulers are those stubborn (and unsympathetic) rulers in closed countries. Therefore, they were eliminated - at any price! How the illuminist ( explanatory statement , p. 29) world dictatorship - because we allow it!
In North Africa and elsewhere, they are now used by the CIA to conduct "revolutions" in the way - all without real change. Now the NGOs the opportunity to become the basis of a new dictatorship. However, this is not about the limits of the Muslim fundamentalists who are set see the Muslim Brotherhood , and the military. For it is true: The choice in Muslim countries, secular military - or Muslim Schariagewalt - in both cases dictatorship. The NGOs need to seek support of one or the other - only President-Alvaro-Uribe-meets-CIA-Director-Leon-Panetta are puppets in this situation - win some of the methods of the ancient Roman decadence. Why do
illuminists humanity in despair to Rebellion starve? Why the CIA is undermining the EU, the U.S. partner by THE NWO? Perhaps the answer lies in its stated disdain for the Constitution of the United States (and others) - the backbone of the U.S.. They want a world government - order out of chaos - but chaos first!
A group of MEPs call for measures such as more details emerge about the alleged covert operation of the Colombian secret service (DAS), a highly criminal , United States-funded organization to continue. One of the goals was, to undermine the authority of the European Parliament. The close relations between Washington and Bogota are well known - EUOBSERVER 26 June 2010 .
Left: The Colombian Pres Alvaro Uribe and CIA director Leon Panetta. DAS is now
transformed by the CIA and is hot Columbian CIA !
However, with the possible exception of Libya, there has been no revolution. No real change has taken place. This frustration is the people the feeling of betrayal, and can then become real revolution in the sense of Bürgerkriege führen.

Monday, February 28, 2011

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THE ROLE OF Zionism IN THE HOLOCAUST Article by Rabbi Gedalya Liebermann - Australia

"Spiritually and Physically Responsible "

From its' inception, many rabbis warned of the potential dangers of Zionism and openly declared that all Jews loyal to G-d should stay away from it like one would from fire. They made their opinions clear to their congregants and to the general public. Their message was that Zionism is a chauvinistic racist phenomenon which has absolutely naught to do with Judaism. They publicly expressed that Zionism would definitely be detrimental to the well being of Jews and Gentiles and that its effects on the Jewish religion would be nothing other than destructive. Further, it would taint the reputation of Jewry as a whole and would cause utter confusion in the Jewish and non-Jewish communities. Judaism is a religion. Judaism is not a race or a nationality. That was and still remains the consensus amongst the rabbis.
Bitte lesen Sie den gesamten Artikel. Sie können auf der Hauptseite im Menü auch eine andere Sprache wählen.

Here's a video from USA:

Isaiah 5 , 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and believe themselves to be wise! 22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and valiant men to mingle strong drink, 23 say that the guilty needs for gifts and the right to take those who are in the right! 24 Therefore, as the fire consumes straw and stubble pass flame in the flame, so their root rot and their blossom fly away like dust. For they despise the instruction of the Lord of hosts, and blaspheme the speech of the Holy One.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Real Vs. Fake Aeropostale

Europe MUST be multikultuerell says, the Jewish journalist, Anetta Kahane in "U.S." interview.

And no surprise that yet, as Barbara Lerner Spectre of Multicultural Society "Paideia - Jewish United Fund in this video of" Israel Up Close "called Jews will play a leading role in multicultural Europe , in principle, the same calls?

Do we have unanimity on this perplexing at all possible and not to be multicultural?
Anetta Kahane, (born 1954 in East Berlin) is a German journalist.
Anetta Kahane
is the daughter of journalist Max Kahane and Kahane artist Doris, who had to flee as Jewish-born Communists during the period of National Socialism in Germany. She is the sister of film director Peter Kahane.

Kahane studied Latin American studies and worked as a translator. After the political changes in East Germany it was first and last foreign agent of the Municipality of East Berlin. In 1991, Kahane, the Regional Office for Immigration, Youth Work and School "(RAA eV), whose main operations support and sponsorship of various intercultural projects in schools and the school environment, are. In the same year she received the Theodor-Heuss-Medal on behalf of others for "the peaceful demonstrators of autumn 1989 in the former GDR." [1] She is now a member of the Board of Trustees of the Theodor-Heuss-Stiftung.

In 1998, Anetta Kahane of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, whose board of trustees chairman it was. Since 2003 she has full-time chairman of the Foundation. For their commitment against racism and right-she received the 2002 Moses Mendelssohn Prize. [2]

2003 Anetta Kahane was to replace Barbara John, Commissioner of the Berlin Senate as a foreigner in an interview. She had, however, under the code name 'Victoria' for the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) worked, her commanding officer Mölneck noted that it had already the second meeting "honest and reliable" reports and "persons charged". Only after discussions about their obligation to unofficial collaborator (IM) of the Stasi at the age of 19, which ended it claims to be on his own in 1982, they declared their abandonment of that position. [3]

http:// / wiki / Anetta_Kahane

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"The world community". Who's that?

from "international community" is always the question if individual countries are not the to bow to the dictates of greedy globalists. Usually is, these countries are resource-owning, headed by dictators, are just as eager to suck the people, as the globalists to which the individual potentates sometimes not enough to throw in the neck.
The globalists have have a "geopolitical" interests of the countries of the raw materials. to get
To access and of course free availability of these raw materials are of the globally active and established very greedy foreign financiers generally corrupt domestic "tribal leader" or "politicians" in the raw material possessing countries to erkleckliches a penny to their private accounts, the globalists, the free availability guarantee.
In most cases, provide the globalists, the "tribal leaders" and "politicians" very readily with weapons and military equipment, a precaution in the event that the common people a day if it because of the large cake also at least like to have the crumbs, can be prevented by force of arms from trying to attract these crumbs.
In general this system works well, usually over decades.
The "tribal leader" and "politicians' bunker to them by the globalists surrendered billions in working worldwide banking systems, which of course includes the globalists.
Practically, this system of globalists. The billions they pay remain directly in their pockets worldwide and if the "dictators" and "politicians" one day have also become too greedy, create the globalists it again and again, causing the raw material possessing countries chaos and the respective people against "dictators" or "politicians" to incite, and already occurs, the "world community" as an alibi in action at all "assets" of the "dictators" and "politicians" in to the banks, which anyway are the globalists, lock.
Such a system has to come up with for now.
But back to the question of who are the globalists?
At least these are first of all to people with very, very much money and as much global influence as well as an abundance of power, of who takes the normal person does not even know it to the extent they exist at all. These are the people who have the money to have that as the small saver, the world through windy, chatted up financial transactions during the last "crisis" lost, now in their pockets. These are the people of all misfortunes of others always earn billions, whether by war, armed conflict, through oil spills or shipping accidents, through revolution, murder and manslaughter in any part of this world.
Since these people are never in public, they invented the "world community".
This "world community" suggests to the ordinary people, at least, the mass of all who inhabit the earth are for or against something, and what decent person even for war or exploitation of others? This suggests at the same time, the "world community" always the decent ones are
So this "world community" is currently that of the Libyan, previous leader, billions in foreign banks (which include the globalists) frozen. The same is true of course for the billions of the previous Egyptian leader, and of course for the billions of existing Tunisian officer and all global despots before them. Remember what? No?
then consider it a try!
is now the "world community" called to do something to uaden resource-owning countries and to help their people. They realize something now? Still not?
So, now the globalists mean by "world community," U.S., yes, we all need, in Europe, USA and elsewhere, now WE ALL pay to help these people. Of course, through taxes, we all have to apply. You see, this is how this
When it comes to revenue, the globalists mean by "world community" itself and as they operate internationally, they have not even wrong. But when it comes to the payment, say the globalists U.S. exclusively with "world community".
What do the people in Europe, USA or elsewhere, with the countries to do now as North Africa? What a "World Community" arrogate to themselves to decide what the people now as in North Africa to do, or may not do? Which "world community" is at war in Afghanistan or Iraq? The majority of humanity? Who?
Which "world community" has the right to determine which country is run like?
And what "world community" to presume to decide who has to live under what political system?
For the "world community" of the globalists is a country only as long as interesting, as you can move most effectively exploit or otherwise benefit from it.
The real world population, whether in Europe, Asia, U.S. or anywhere else is faced with security not as responsible for the terrible effects on the individual countries in which raged for the globalists have their billions in profits and continue to rage.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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The small pleasures of life .......

enrich our lives and I want to miss
they do not and you definitely do not even :-))))
can and so also the modest current weather
to put up very good ..

Here it's cold, rainy and everything .... so gray in gray
but the House

I have a few roses and decorated
their sight
as well as enjoy the CANDLE
the immediate COMFORT spread ....
The Christmas rose yesterday, I get paid
and put them in a sack :-)))

I've given myself :-)
and I think the two fit together quite well ...:-)))

now know my children very well, something that I can

for me my son has this shelf out of old boards and has tinkered
Mum to a fairly large JOY
room to decorate because we can not even make enough :-)))

away from each other and a pleasure
is just BEAUTIFUL ...
heard and to life to .. especially in the family ..
So after the motto:
prepared to give as much pleasure as to TAKE ..

but if you quite surprisingly a beautifully wrapped package for Valentine's Day
a very loving Userin I Unfortunately, so far only once have met in person, you get sent
is the JOY
very large :-)))
roll and then very quickly .. a few little tears

I do not know whether to read the poem in the enlargement,
but I hope so, because it is
as well as the sweet heart!

Yes, and yesterday evening, my heart also made a little JOY hopping,
because 2 of our old Eßzimmerstühle are finished ...

Last weekend I deleted it and last night
the seat with a printed fabric
covered ...
I just have to make a little old :-)
and how they look now, I'm hoping my many years
have it :-)))

I wish you a nice weekend with many small
FUN :-)


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"Globalist Blitzkrieg - The Middle East & then the World"

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Middle East & then the World

Globalist blitzkrieg signals largest geopolitical reordering since WW2.
analysis by Tony Cartalucci

Beginning in North Africa, now unfolding in the Middle East and Iran, and soon to spread to Eastern Europe and Asia, the globalist fueled color revolutions are attempting to profoundly transform entire regions of the planet in one sweeping move. It is an ambitious gambit, perhaps even one born of desperation, with the globalists' depravity and betrayal on full display to the world with no opportunity to turn back now.

To understand the globalists' reasoning behind such a bold move, it helps to understand their ultimate end game and the obstacles standing between them and their achieving it.

The End Game

The end game of course is a world spanning system of global governance . This is a system controlled by Anglo-American financiers and their network of global institutions ensuring the world's consolidated nations conform to a singular system they can then perpetually fleece. As megalomaniacal oligarchs, their singular obsession is the consolidation and preservation of their power. This will be achieved through a system of population control, industrial control, and monetary control, which together form the foundation of their Malthusian policies.

These policies are on full display in the UN's " Agenda 21 ," and by policy wonks like the current White House Science Adviser John Holdren in his book titled " Ecoscience ."

Malthusian as their policies may be, they surely do not believe the world is in danger due to over-population or the environmental hazards posed by industrial progress. Instead, like all tyrants in history, they are establishing a convincing narrative to defend the immense concentration of undue power within their elitist hands and the implementation of measures to ensure such power stays in their hands indefinitely.

The immediate dangers posed to their plans are numerous, including an alternative media increasingly exposing the true nature of their agenda, and thus awakening a vast number of people who simply refuse to go along with it. There is also national sovereignty, where nations are openly challenging this Anglo-American centric world order and refusing to implement the conditions of their own enslavement.

These sweeping color revolutions, and coordinated military operations, both overt and covert, are dealing with the latter of these two challenges, while censorship, cognitive infiltration , and a tightening police state spanning the Western world under the very false premise of a "War on Terror" confronts the former.

Red = US-backed destabilization, Blue = US occupying/ stationed.
China's oil and seaways are all covered.

The Middle East

With the globalist fueled destabilization in progress, concessions and regime changes are being made from Jordan to Egypt, all in the name of "democratization." The protesters' calls are verbatim repeats of the their local US funded NGOs' mission statements. Skeptical as many may be that all of this is being orchestrated by the West, one needs only read the RAND Corporation's 2007 report titled " Building Moderate Muslim Networks " where breathtaking confessions are made to not only reorder the Muslim world according to the West's interests, but how they would follow the same model of "civil society networks" they have already used for decades during the Cold War.

Egypt's recent "transition" played out as a direct translation of RAND's blueprint for meddling in the Muslim world. From the protest organizers and NGOs to the protest leaders , to the behind-the-scenes meddling by America's military leadership, the Egyptian uprising was entirely a US production. Even the drafting of the new Egyptian Constitution is being carried out by organizations funded by George Soros and the US National Endowment for Democracy.

The regional destabilization is resetting the geopolitical board in favor for a renewed effort to affect regime change in Iran. It has been extensively covered that the globalists have intricate and extensive plans, in the form of Brookings Institute's " Which Path to Persia? " report, to fund color revolutions, support terrorism inside of the Islamic Republic and even provoke war with a nation they concede would rather avoid conflict. No sooner did North African and Arab regimes begin to crumble did the " Green Revolution" in Iran start up again . As if reiterating the summation of Brookings' report, the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has recently and overtly called on the US to back the "Green Revolution."

Iran's fall to the globalists, the extraction of its wealth, and the end of its support for Chinese and Russian economic and military ambitions would isolate the so-called Shanghai Cooperative Organization further.

NATO creeping forward, suffering failures in Ukraine, Belarus, and Georgia.

Russia's Encirclement

Russia, along with China appear to be the two biggest blocs of opposition to the Anglo-American establishment. Indeed there are plenty of people and organizations within each nation gladly working hand-in-hand with the globalists, who in turn, are overtly trying to tempt and coerce the two nations to integrate themselves into their global world order.

Men like Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who rose to power in Russia amongst an era of immense corruption, began building networks of NGOs modeled directly after those of the Anglo-Americans in the West, even naming this network the "Open Russian Foundation" after George Soros' Open Society Foundation. According to geopolitical researcher William Engdahl , this Open Russian Foundation included Henry Kissinger and Lord Jacob Rothschild on its board of directors and its goal was to transform Russia from a sovereign state and into something more palatable for globalist consumption.

Whatever Khdorkovsky's early successes may have been, they were cut short by Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin, who has safely confined Khodorkovsky behind the bars of a Siberian prison. Today, Khdorkovsky receives lobbying and legal services from notorious globalist lawyer Robert Amsterdam who leads international efforts to vilify Russia and justify the nation's encirclement by NATO.

After Tunisia fell and protests began brewing in Egypt, Foreign Policy magazine published the Freedom House's list of " Who's Next? " On the list was Belarus' Aleksandr Lukashenko, leader of a European nation directly bordering Russia's western border, staring Moscow in the face. NATO itself admits the reluctance of Belarus to join its now unjustified organization, while the mainstream media berates the Belarusian government for putting down protests launched after the results of recent elections that saw the Western-backed opposition defeated.

Looking at a map of Russia, not a nation touching its borders has been spared the globalist treatment, from the Ukraine and their US-backed Orange Revolution, to Georgia and its US-backed invasion of South Ossetia. For Russia, they seem more than prepared to fight back, humiliating the US-trained and equipped Georgian military on the battlefield and overseeing the results of the US-funded Orange Revolution overturned, with Ukrainian talks to join NATO halted .

By targeting the Middle East, and in particular Iran, which both China and Russia have been using to check the West's world domineering ambitions, the globalists' hope is to renew political unrest in Russia's satellite regions and complete its campaign of encircling Russia, thus forcing it to concede to its place amongst the new global order.

SSI's "String of Pearls:" China's oil lifeline.

China's String of Pearls

It is no secret China depends on oil imports to not only keep its economy growing, but to keep its vast population busy and prosperous, thus keeping the ruling government in power. This has been a long known realism by both China and the West. For China's part, they have begun building a presence on continental Africa, especially in Sudan where they have established a 1,000 mile oil pipeline from the vast nation's heartland to Port Sudan on the Red Sea. They have also provided relief to the country from UN sanctions and buys the majority of Sudan's oil exports.

China also imports an immense amount of oil from Iran. In fact, the Islamic Republic represents the world's second largest exporter of oil to China, behind Saudi Arabia.

From Sudan and Iran, across the Indian Ocean, and back to China's shores in the South China Sea, represents a "String of Pearls," or a series of geopolitical assets China is developing to protect this vital logistical route. This "String" includes a Chinese port in Pakistan's Baluchistan region, another facility in Myanmar (Burma), and expanded facilities in the South China Sea off the coast of Vietnam. China is also building up the size and capabilities of its fleet, including submarines which now shadow America's carrier groups, and the outfitting of their first aircraft carrier which is nearing completion.

The term "String of Pearls" was used as the title of the US Strategic Studies Institute's (SSI) 2006 report " String of Pearls: Meeting the challenge of China’s rising power across the Asian littoral ." In this report, China's ambitions to project its power along this route is viewed as a direct challenge to American supremacy as well as a threat to the West's unipolar vision of a "new world order."

While China may not be a champion of human freedom, they do appear to favor a multipolar world where sovereign nations coexist instead of the Anglo-American unipolar world where, unsurprisingly, the British and American oligarchs dominate the planet.

To prevent such a multipolar world from coming into existence, the SSI report suggests several strategies regarding China, from engaging and enticing it to become what globalist pusher Robert Zoellick calls a "responsible stakeholder" in the "international system," to outright military confrontation and containment.

Of course this report was written in July 2006, and the ink hadn't even dried before Israel suffered a humiliating defeat in its war with Lebanon, the war with Iran stalled, and globalist minion Thaksin Shinawtra was ousted from power in Thailand in a display of jealously defended sovereignty in Southeast Asia.

It appears that the globalists, over the following years, would present China with a flattering role to play in their global order while simultaneously destabilizing nearly every nation along the "String of Pearls." The US has expanded its war in Afghanistan and is attempting to balkanize Pakistan in the process, specifically the Baluchistan region where China is establishing a naval presence. Pakistan's Baluchistan region is also the seaside starting point of an energy and logistical conduit running northward through the Himalayas and into Chinese territory. The US is also heavily involved in destabilizing Myanmar (Burma) to affect regime change and subsequently establishing a Washington dependent government.

Thailand neighbors Myanmar to the east and possesses the narrow Kra Isthmus China would like to develop into a Suez/Panama Canal-like project to shorten trips for its oil laden, China-bound tankers. Thailand also serves as an overland conduit, running north and south as in Pakistan, with a developed rail system connecting Singapore's shipping yards to Laos' capital of Vientiane. China has begun the development of a rail system through Laos and the upgrading of Thailand's rail system. Thailand also is one of the world's largest rice exporters, which makes the nation vital to China's future growth.

It is no surprise then, that Thailand, like Myanmar, has suffered multiple attempts by the US to affect regime change. Their man, Thaksin Shinawatra is an overt globalist, having formally served as an adviser to the Carlyle Group , and since his ousting from power in 2006, has been lobbied for by everyone from James Baker's Baker Botts , to ICG's Kenneth Adelman and the Edelman PR firm , to his current lobbyist and lawyer, Robert Amsterdam .

It is quite clear that Washington is using its control of the Middle East and its control of the seas, albeit challenged control, to check China's vastly superior financial and economic position. It is also clear that Washington is investing a great amount of military resources and intelligence assets to destabilize the entire "String of Pearls" to confound, contain, and leverage concessions from China, with the ultimate goal of folding the emerging Asian giant into the unipolar Anglo-American global order.

How well this strategy is working is debatable, however, the US military is politically hobbled, strategically stretched, and led by vastly incompetent leaders in Washington who have lost the faith and trust of their own population, not to mention the world. The bold and perhaps desperate gambit the US is playing out in the Middle East could be a bid to rectify years of failure against China and the Shanghai Cooperative since the SSI wrote their report in 2006. Regime change in Iran is still the linchpin in making this latest bid a success.

South America

Even South America is not spared. There has been a lull in overt American meddling, allowing South America to become a bastion of sorts against the agents of globalization, however, covert operations and staging has been ongoing.

Troubling reports coming from South America's Argentina, no stranger to the ire of Anglo-American ambitions, indicate that tension is building up between Buenos Aires and Washington. It has culminated in a diplomatic row over a recently seized US C-17 transport chalk full of suspicious equipment and an even more suspicious explanation. This is leading many, including the government of Argentina , to believe the US is staging another round of destabilization efforts in South America.

Venezuela and Bolivia have been overtly targeted by the West in recent years by efforts to undermine and even overthrow their respective governments. The muted-confused response over the coup in Honduras also raises suspicions that America has begun striking back against the wave of regional nationalism sweeping South America. A visit over to reveals that the US State Department/corporate funded organization is backing dissidents in Venezuela and encouraging the spread of "civil society," gleefully noting the insidious effects it is having on bolstering the anti-Chavez opposition.


The recent US-backed wave of revolution sweeping the Middle East is just the beginning of a greater move to dislodge Iran and begin regaining ground against Russia and China after several years of disappointing results geopolitically. The ultimate goal in mind is to force Russia and China to accept their role as "responsible stakeholders" in the unipolar Anglo-American "new world order." The unipolar world of Anglo-American financier domination requires that all competition be eliminated, all nations become interdependent, and most importantly, all governments conform to the globalists' model of "civil society" which in turn answers to centralized global institutions.

Understanding the overarching plan reveals the danger of being apathetic or complacent about the current unrest in the Middle East. It will surely spread, and depending on the Shanghai Cooperative's response and their determination to remain the masters of their own destiny, greater confrontation may ensue. For the United States and its dwindling power, its meaningless offers to the world's nations to join their bankrupt, one-sided model of world governance, and their growing economic mire, there is no telling what their desperation may transform into. This unpredictability and desperation may be perhaps the only card they have left in their hand worth playing, and one that should trouble us all

murder And Computer Virus brake Iran's nuclear program. Saudi Arabia is now Allied with Tehran. "U.S. Middle East Will Shut Down To Russia And China has shut down!

The Bilderbergers had the revolution against the Shah in 1979 as a Balkanization of the Middle East planned - so that they would spill over to the Soviet Union and this destabilizing. Just the fear now Russia. Russian Pres Medvedev worry that the whole Middle East will fall into the hands of religious fanatics - and know that these revolutions had been captured by the U.S. and manipulirt - to make Russia . This sounds like the prelude to the 3rd World War II.
The situation between Israel / USA and Iran had apparently eased somewhat, after the virus appeared Stuxnet, developed in cooperation between the U.S. and Israel, which had paralyzed the Iranian nuclear program by accelerating the centrifuge to the breaking point - and set the security code of the alarm systems being nullified, so that the operator thought that everything was normal. In addition, intelligence agents have subtly four Iranian nuclear engineers peaks, including Shahriari, the cyber-war experts killed. This set back the Iranian nuclear program by 3 years, according to the outgoing Israeli spy chief. But the British defense minister believes that Iran the atomic bomb next year have - and DEBKAfile (Intelligence Service of the Israeli army), believes Iran has the bomb already.

But now there is an acute involvement: two Iranian warships have received for the first time since the revolution of 1979 allowed to sail following visits to Oman and Saudi Arabia's ports through the Suez Canal. According to DEBKAfile's largest ship was laden with long-range missiles to Hezbollah. U.S. and Israel are in accordance. UN sanctions against Iran the right to board the ships and comb, which, according to Iran is tantamount to a declaration of war. The fact that the ships were not searched, will be seen with Muslim eyes admiringly as evidence of the strength of today's Iran - and the confidence in the U.S. and Israel in the Muslim world continues to weaken. The United States mustered five warships in the Red Sea, including the aircraft carrier Enterprise in a chicane-use, the passage of the Iranian ships delayed by 48 hours - but apparently they have not dared to board the ships - or have them? Suddenly it was just blackout to the ships!
U.S. bluff with a heavy military and naval concentration against the Iran last year fell apart because Obama ordered, it should just remain a threatening gesture, which was to miss a war. However, following the withdrawal shook the confidence of Saudi Arabia and the emirates in the United States since it military How had asked for. Egypt too has now changed his sympathy from the U.S. to Iran - so that American and Israeli entreaties to Egypt to refuse the two Iranian boats may pass, was rejected Some believe that Mubarak the CIA. inspired rebellion was destroyed because he, the former U.S. war plans against Iran did not support.
Saudi Arabia's confidence disappeared completely when the United States their faithful allies, Mubarak and Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri, in the lurch. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was also afraid of being betrayed by his old allies, scolded Obama and allied himself with on the spot - Iran, which could have disastrous consequences for the passage in the Gulf and Suez Canal and therefore for our oil supply. Not least because the oil-rich Libya now breaks even.

Israel feels very insecure - and could act alone, as it the shaky, weak, Obama is not familiar. It has Sondergesandtem Obama, Dennis Ross, as usual access to Israel's generals by bypassing the Minister, which he used so far to persuade the generals to leave out their finger off the trigger on Iran, Syria and Lebanon refused. Netanyahu has promised to stop his war rhetoric to March 2011.

Since my recent article on Israel and Iran created a new situation; Stuxnet by the virus, the Iranian nuclear weapons program has been postponed for 3-4 years - according to the outgoing Israeli spy chief . In addition, leading Iranian nuclear scientists have been murdered The Telegraph 30 Sept. 2010 . Computer experts have found a biblical reference to the code of the computer worm, identified Israel as the source of cyber-attack. ; The code contains the word "Myrtus, which is the Latin name for the biological myrtle. The Hebrew word for myrtle, Hadassah, was the maiden name of Esther, the Jewish queen of Persia. In the Bible, the Book of Esther tells how the queen to attack the Jewish population of the country's pre-empted and then has her husband persuaded her to launch an attack before being attacked themselves.

The Telegraph 21 Jan. 2011 : Stuxnet The virus, created to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program were the result of cooperation between at least one Western power ( USA ) and the Israeli secret service has found a British cyber-security expert. The malicious software was almost certainly for the damage and adjustments to the secret centrifuges been designed in Natanz, Iran's uranium enrichment site. Separate investigations of U.S. nuclear experts have discovered that the Stuxnet by increasing the rate of uranium centrifuges breaking point as far as acting for a short time. At the same time it has shut down the security surveillance systems to ensure that the operators believed that everything was normal . The Council on Foreign Relations exulted: CFR 27 Jan. 2011 : Stuxnet, the computer worm that disables the last year many of the gas centrifuges, which are central to the Iranian nuclear program, is a powerful weapon in a new age of global information warfare.
No wonder: DEBKAfile 29 Nov. 2010: Prof. Majid Shahriari (right), who died when his car 29th in North Teheranam has set November was attacked, led the team to Iran Stuxnet to fight the virus that raged through his devastating nuclear and military power. Prof. Shahriari was the top expert on the Iranian nuclear program for computer code and cyber-war. Ahmedinejad -at-natanz U.S. Today December 1, 2011: In November pinned attackers on motorcycles magnetized bombs at the cars of two Iranian nuclear scientists, as they drove to work in Tehran, killing one and wounding the other. At least two other Iranian nuclear scientists have been killed in recent years.
Jerusalem, 29 May. (AKI) - now by the failure of critical machines, as well as the killing of the leading nuclear engineers by secret agents, the Iranian nuclear bomb by 3 years away according to the Israeli deputy prime minister, Moshe Ya ' . alon Without mentioning possible military action against Iran, Ya'alon said that he hoped that the U.S. action was successful against the country.
Israel has applied a number of occasions, the U.S. urged to take tougher action against Iran's nuclear program, she pressed to set a trial date and to consider a military strike, if necessary, according to Wikileaks published documents earlier this month.
Other leaked messages reveal that encourage Arab Gulf states of Washington, to attack Iran to quell the nuclear ambitions of their neighbors.
However, Israel needs the threat of mortal danger in order to exist . Therefore, us the Holocaust story again and again accused so that non-Jews can not stand it Reuters 31 Jan. 2011. The Western powers should work out from the assumption that Iran a nuclear weapon next year could have, and could that an Israeli intelligence assessment of 2015 turn out to be too optimistic, the said British Defence, Liam Fox . Mr. Fox is a member of the Conservative Friends of Israel.
DEBKAfile 6 Dec.2010 and Israel Militay Net 6th Dec. 2010: Iran has 23.5 Kilos of enriched uranium accumulated 19.75 percent. This can be the full January to refill the 28.2 kilos, which are needed for weapons-grade production. Thus, Tehran continued to the 6-power talks back in a strong negotiating position. DEBKAfile: Iran has now produced a yellow cake of 20% enriched uranium . The Iranians do not need more than a few weeks until early February at the latest, in order to achieve this goal.
But while Iran has no nuclear bomb, he still provokes his enemy Israel. Moreover, Saudi Arabia seems to ally with Iran, instead of remaining U.S. ally. Egypt also seems to totter to come.
Kharg18.2.11 DEBKAfile 17 February 2011 : Kairos has approval on Friday d. 18 February for the passage of two Iranian warships through the Suez Canal on its way to the Mediterranean to Iran and Israel a Fleet collision brought closer than ever. DEBKAfile reports: Israel has learned the Iranian Kreuzer, Kharg, carry long-range missiles to Hezbollah, and plan them in a Syrian port or To unload the Beirut port . "If the ships sail through the channel, we will assess what they actually do. U.S. State Department spokesman PJ Crowley said he was "very skeptical" about the allegations against Syria, that the visit of the two ships "for the training was. He hinted that the U.S. and all other UN members by the UN sanctions against Iran are entitled to enter Iranian ships suspected of illegal weapons and to search.
Heavy pressure from the U.S. and Israel against Egypt's military rulers to them by the approval of the passage of the Iranian fleet to get through the Suez Canal was in vain. So now, the waterways for Iran in terms of heavy weapons to Syria and Lebanon made wide open free - in the first instance and then to try to break Israel's sea blockade of Gaza and Hamas, the heavy ammunition to bring that are impossible to carry through the smuggling tunnels. Reuters confirmed the passage on 22 Feb. 2011, and that the vessels have visited Oman and Saudi Arabia on the road! The fact that the ships not searched were, will be with Muslim eyes admiringly seen as evidence of the strength of today's Iran - and the confidence in the U.S. and Israel in the Muslim world continue to weaken. The United States scrapped five warships in the Red Sea, including the aircraft carrier Enterprise in a chicane-use, the passage of the Iranian ships delayed by 48 hours - but apparently they have not dared to board the ships - or do they have? Suddenly there was blackout to the ships!
Israel pursued the Iranian fleet carefully. The opening of a Saudi port for the warships of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the first time in history their relationship is indicative of a fundamental change in the trends in the Middle East following the Egyptian uprising. It was also the first time that Cairo has allowed Iranian warships to transit the Suez Canal from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, although Israeli traffic was allowed in the opposite direction.
DEBKAfile 10 Jan. 2011: A powerful evil king Abdullah of Saudi Arabia today swore in a telephone conversation the U.S. Pres. Obama to Pres Mubarak and Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri Sa'rad to let them down. For fear that Obama will let him down, he now turns itself around with Tehran ally - a very serious game for the U.S. and Israel - as well as for navigation in the Persian Gulf and the Suez Canal. This is the worst crisis between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia in its history.
Netanyahu+rocckets-0n-israel Virtual Jerusalem 9th December 2010: (Article now gone) - Before the six-power talks with Iran, taken in again this week were ordered Barack Obama to withdraw the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman from the waters of the Gulf toward Iran zurückzusegeln and again in the Aegean Sea. This action signaled Washington's move to diplomacy and the search for funds due to the nuclear dispute with Iran through engagement, DEBKAfile reported in the United States, and military sources. Obama leaving thus the military bearing that he had taken just six weeks earlier, the Iranian ruler by a buildup of naval power against Iran's waters to to heel. It was then that he sent the USS Abraham Lincoln to the Persian Gulf, he said the number of aircraft carriers increased to three, including the French Charles de Gaulle.
The visit of the Minister for Defence, Robert Gates in Oman on 5 December was another gesture of reconciliation. Gates calls for the Government Group, the opponents of an American or Israeli military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities are. His visit sends a message from the White House that the military option in favor of engagement, set to be the great hopes of progress to resolve the nuclear controversy now, pushed aside is. 16 Dec
DEBKAfile. 2010 : Dennis Ross, the Sondergesandtem Pres Obama was denied the habit of bypassing Israeli Minister for direct talks with the Israeli army. This is the mechanism by which the U.S. has used to convince the Israeli generals to leave out the finger from the trigger against Iran, Syria and Lebanon. Netanyahu, Obama has promised to reopen its war rhetoric by March- is so frustrated with the U.S. failure to act, that he could act sooner than later .
GBU-39_SDB_Concept_Color_lg Israel's war preparations Russia Today 9 Nov. 2010: Netanyahu and Biden met on the outskirts of an American-Jewish conference in New Orleans. According to Western media, said the Israeli leader Biden that "the only way to ensure that Iran does not get nuclear bomb is a credible threat of military action to create ... if his ambitions are not tame, to build a nuclear weapon." The comments
have aroused concern in Washington , but it comes just days after Israel launched its first shipment of GBU-39 small diameter bombs (SDB) received from the United States.
U.S. arms experts say that the bomb was able to penetrate at least 90 cm of reinforced concrete. The first Israeli aircraft that are equipped with the GBU-39, the F-15Is, which are able to carry 20 of the bombs on its wings and fuselage, the plane will be transformed into what defense analysts true call "killing machine".
Just last week, Ahmadinejad criticized Russia for backtracking from a contract, would have after Russia, the Islamic Republic with the sophisticated S-300 missile defense system intended to deliver.
But is that necessary? Apparently Obama thinks not : DEBKAfile 8 Nov. 2010: The threat of military campaigns in this state of practical preparations for an attack were to stop. As part of this strategy, urged the White House two weeks ago on the heads of NATO, to develop operational plans for an attack on Iran's nuclear and military facilities, and stressed that these preparations would have to miss a full-scale war .
After Obama repeatedly told us that Iran is only a few months from the production of an atomic bomb on more or less secret places was removed happened all of a sudden something
Haaretz 22 Jan. 2011 : U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton said this month that the sanctions have postponed the Iranian nuclear program , so that the Powers had more time to convince Tehran expects to change its course . Your opinion was the first public U.S. claim that Iran's nuclear program to slow down. This signals a new confidence in the US-led sanctions and other measures to impede Iran's nuclear drive, or to delay. Some analysts saw this as a sign of reduced risk that the dispute would escalate in the near future in a military conflict.
The fear of the imminent Iranian nuclear bomb has already started a serious nuclear weapons race in the Middle East 30 Dec DEBKAfile. 2010: Saudi Arabia has arranged to have available for his use of two Pakistani nuclear weapons or missile warheads, DEBKAfile revealed military and intelligence sources, you are probably in Pakistan's nuclear air base. Kamra Attock district in the north. Pakistan has already sent to the desert kingdom its latest version of the Ghauri-II missile by the expansion of the range of 2,300 kilometers.
comments The relocation of the support of Saudi Arabia and perhaps Egypt on Iran is a very serious matter for our oil supply: Saudi Arabia produces a very large proportion of our oil - and Egypt controls the Suez Canal, the main artery of the European oil current. Then there are the riots in Libya, which is also a major supplier of oil to Europe. If it to stop delivery / blockade coming is a military intervention by the major powers - with all the complications that can occur from it, including Islamic terrorism and fundamentalism more. In itself, this would be a deserved thanks to the EU for its massive pandering to Islam, through the now-dead Mediterranean Union.
There is no doubt that the undecided, Obama has lost all respect and trust among the Arabs, because he had to implement massive preparations for war, which he dared not taken. This was a tactical error. The greatest military power on earth can not be considered Bluffer be revealed - and keep the confidence. The gigantic naval and military concentrations around Iran should not have been held before. The enthusiasm of Obama and the EU for the Islamic Revolution ( for 95% of Egyptians strong democracy means Islam, and . Although sharia) is not comprehensible - Islamic rule is just a new dictatorship - as in Iran. The Danish Foreign Minister said on 19 February in the newspaper Politiken that it was touching to see the struggle of the Egyptians, to achieve our values with. What nonsense. She knows very well that they do not fight for our democracy, which by the way has long been a miserable caricature. No, they want Sharia law - and that has not yet become our values, although the State Department with its Arab initiative - and not least by the plan of his Danish Center for Culture and Development for Europe's Islamization - his utmost has done that. But there is more in it: Medvedev_and_Vladimir_Putin_edit
Prison Planet February 22 2011: "We could use the decay the large and populous countries are experiencing, "warned the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, adding that religious fanatics take power and" the region for the coming decades could be in fire. "Russia is fully aware that the protests were captured and manipulated by the western banking elite and the military-industrial complex of the USA. Globalists hope the protests, the participants have genuine complaints as a tool to draw - and thus the so-called rogue states to overthrow that refuse to play by the rules of the new world order. In the short term, namely Iran, but then finally Russia and even China. "When you shut down the Middle East, you go down Russia and China, and it is ruled the world. The current Middle East instability is a desperate move to eliminate the Middle East buffer to isolate the two emerging superpowers, and to force them to their place in a unipolar New York-London-centered world order to view " writes Tony Cartalucci .
The Bilderbergers had the revolution against the Shah as a Balkanization of the Middle East planned - so that they spill over to the Soviet Union and this would destabilize . Just that now feared Russia. This sounds like the prelude to the 3rd World War II.