Saturday, February 26, 2011

Real Vs. Fake Aeropostale

Europe MUST be multikultuerell says, the Jewish journalist, Anetta Kahane in "U.S." interview.

And no surprise that yet, as Barbara Lerner Spectre of Multicultural Society "Paideia - Jewish United Fund in this video of" Israel Up Close "called Jews will play a leading role in multicultural Europe , in principle, the same calls?

Do we have unanimity on this perplexing at all possible and not to be multicultural?
Anetta Kahane, (born 1954 in East Berlin) is a German journalist.
Anetta Kahane
is the daughter of journalist Max Kahane and Kahane artist Doris, who had to flee as Jewish-born Communists during the period of National Socialism in Germany. She is the sister of film director Peter Kahane.

Kahane studied Latin American studies and worked as a translator. After the political changes in East Germany it was first and last foreign agent of the Municipality of East Berlin. In 1991, Kahane, the Regional Office for Immigration, Youth Work and School "(RAA eV), whose main operations support and sponsorship of various intercultural projects in schools and the school environment, are. In the same year she received the Theodor-Heuss-Medal on behalf of others for "the peaceful demonstrators of autumn 1989 in the former GDR." [1] She is now a member of the Board of Trustees of the Theodor-Heuss-Stiftung.

In 1998, Anetta Kahane of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, whose board of trustees chairman it was. Since 2003 she has full-time chairman of the Foundation. For their commitment against racism and right-she received the 2002 Moses Mendelssohn Prize. [2]

2003 Anetta Kahane was to replace Barbara John, Commissioner of the Berlin Senate as a foreigner in an interview. She had, however, under the code name 'Victoria' for the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) worked, her commanding officer Mölneck noted that it had already the second meeting "honest and reliable" reports and "persons charged". Only after discussions about their obligation to unofficial collaborator (IM) of the Stasi at the age of 19, which ended it claims to be on his own in 1982, they declared their abandonment of that position. [3]

http:// / wiki / Anetta_Kahane


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